My First Impressions of DALL·E from OpenAI

The powerful text-based generator can create images in almost any style imaginable

Jeff Hayward
6 min readAug 30, 2022


Image generated for this article by DALL·E from OpenAI

I’ve been playing around with AI image generators for a little while now. My first foray into this artificially generated world was Deep Dream Generator, which uses existing images to create something unique.

While I thought that was cool, my mind has officially been blown with DALL·E from OpenAI, which only requires a text description to generate a picture.

I had heard some rumblings about DALL·E, and had seen some impressive samples, but I was still skeptical. Artwork created from just a few words? Sure. Whatever. So I joined the waitlist for DALL·E on August 21, and was accepted into the platform on August 28. I thought the wait would be longer, but I’m definitely not complaining.

I jumped right into it and started creating. My first image was based on a photo I had taken the day before of two random balloons. I had imagined a female model holding the balloons in the middle of the street. So I typed this descriptor into DALL·E:

impressionist painting of a beautiful woman with long black hair holding two balloons one is blue and one is green in each hand in the middle of a city.



Jeff Hayward

Ex-reporter. AI critic. Nostalgia lover. Follow my publications Ai-Ai-OH and CanadEH.