Ways To Shoot Street Photography During COVID-19

As long as you follow the pandemic guidelines in your area, there’s still an opportunity to shoot photos during a walk

Jeff Hayward
4 min readMar 22, 2020


Be a lone wolf when street shooting. But stay inside if you’re sick or have been ordered to remain indoors. © Jeff Hayward

We are living in difficult times for everyone, and for street photographers, it’s no different. Depending on where you’re located in the world, you may have already been ordered to stay inside due to the COVID-19 pandemic altogether (in which case, here are some great suggestions on how to stay focused on your craft.)

However, here in Canada so far, we have been given certain guidelines such as staying 6-feet from the nearest person (known as social distancing.) Of course, there are instances where people have broken orders to stay inside, which is now a punishable offense.

In short, pay close attention to your country or state/province’s rules during the pandemic, and continue to practice hygiene routines to lower the risk.

While this all limits your opportunities to shoot street — especially if you love getting close to your subjects — there are still ways to snap off some street photos during a walk. (And yes, in Canada at least, you can still take a walk while following the rules.)

Use a Zoom



Jeff Hayward

Ex-reporter. AI critic. Nostalgia lover. Canadian. Follow my publications Ai-Ai-OH and CanadEH.