Here’s the simple trick I used to accomplish more in 2019 than I ever thought I could.

Jeff Hilimire
2 min readJan 6, 2020
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Ever feel like you’re not getting enough done? Like you’re spinning your wheels, you’re busier than ever, yet when the day is done and you think back to what you accomplished, you aren’t sure if you accomplished… anything?

By all accounts, I accomplished a lot in 2019. I ran my first marathon, published my first book, acquired two companies, and started a new one (a nonprofit called Ripples of Hope). I did that while leading/growing Dragon Army, chairing two nonprofit boards, helping 48in48 run seven events, reading 36 books, and trying (to the best of my ability) to be a very present husband and father to five children.

Whew, lemme take a breath for a second.

Ok, yes, last year was big for me. But, it started with a simple trick: setting goals. And that is the big idea here.

What gets measured, gets done. And through that logic, you will never feel like you are accomplishing anything important if you don’t set goals!

If you want to feel like you’re accomplishing more, it starts by determining what you want to accomplish. When friends ask me how I get so much done, my answer is pretty simple: I know what…



Jeff Hilimire

CEO + co-founder, Dragon Army | Author, The 5-Day Turnaround | Founder, Ripples of Hope | Co-founder, 48in48 |