The tools I use to manage my world

Running several businesses, having a large family, and trying my best to do good all require that I am as efficient as possible. These tools help me get it all done.

Jeff Hilimire
5 min readJan 29, 2020
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

There’s a lot coming at us all day long, amirite? And it’s tough to manage it all. We have commitments, families, work, hobbies, books to read, podcasts to listen to, politicians to support (and hate), shows to watch (Netflix, slow down with all the new content!), and many other things that pull at our time.

Here are the high points of what I’m dealing with on a daily basis:

  • Family comes first, and that includes my wife and five children
  • CEO of Dragon Army
  • Board Chair of 48in48, Ripples of Hope, and Central OAC
  • Board Member of The Carter Center, Co-Chair of the Executive Advisory Board of AMA Atlanta
  • I blog three times a week (and one of those times is via my email newsletter…you’re subscribed, right? This Friday in the newsletter I’m going to be sharing two tricks I use to help me knock my task list out each week)
  • I’m an author and I speak quite a bit at events and corporations, and I’m currently working on my second book



Jeff Hilimire

CEO + co-founder, Dragon Army | Author, The 5-Day Turnaround | Founder, Ripples of Hope | Co-founder, 48in48 |