Here’s Another Reason Why Earth Is Not A Safe Place To Live …

Jeffrey Joe Miller
5 min readDec 4, 2023


[ image: Eman Ezz]

… and why it never will be.

Researchers have discovered what is now the most intense Miyake event known.

The size / intensity of this event was massively stronger than the 1859 Carrington Event (which if occurring today would very likely bring down significant regions of the global grid for months to years).

Miyake events are intense bursts of cosmic radiation that bombard Earth, leaving behind distinct signatures in tree rings and ice cores. These events are named after Fusa Miyake, a Japanese scientist who first identified them in the 1970s.

While the exact cause of Miyake events remains a mystery, scientists believe they are likely triggered by powerful solar storms or supernovae in our galaxy. These energetic events eject massive amounts of charged particles, which then interact with Earth’s atmosphere, creating an abundance of radioisotopes like carbon-14.

The most well-studied Miyake event is the one that occurred around 14,300 years ago (see linked article below). This event is evident in tree rings across the globe as a sharp spike in carbon-14 concentration. Scientists estimate that the radiation dose from this event was massively more intense than the 1859 event (the strongest geomagnetic storm ever recorded in modern history).

While the 14,300-year-old event is the most well-known Miyake Event, several others have been identified throughout history. These events highlight the vulnerability of our planet to extreme space weather events and serve as a reminder of the immense power of the cosmos.

Here’s a list of known Miyake events:

  • 774–775 CE: This event is considered the second-largest Miyake event on record (the 14,300 event is estimated to have been 2–3 times more intense than this event), with a carbon-14 spike of around 1.2%. It was detected in tree rings from around the world and is believed to have caused widespread auroras. This global event (and the 993 CE event) significantly contributed to the crash of the Maya civilization and disrupted cultures around the globe.
  • 993 CE: This event is associated with a spike in carbon-14 and beryllium-10 isotopes, suggesting a significant cosmic ray bombardment. It coincided with auroral observations recorded at the time in China and Japan.
  • 5410–5413 BCE: This event is evident as a spike in carbon-14 levels in tree rings from Ireland and Germany. Its cause and potential effects are still under investigation.
  • 7176 BCE: This is the oldest known Miyake event, detected in tree rings from California and New Zealand. The carbon-14 spike suggests it was a powerful event.
  • 1261–1279 CE: While not as definitive as others, a potential cluster of Miyake events is suggested by carbon-14 spikes in tree rings from Europe and Asia during this period.

Interestingly, just before this cluster, in 1257–1258 CE), a third of London’s population died from the effects of volcanic explosion, and the effects, of course, were not just limited to London: there are mass burial pits across Europe that correspond to this time period. Around the same time, a long stable Native American culture in North America abruptly collapsed and disappeared forever. There were a number of significant volcanic explosions in the first fifty years of the 13th century: among them Harrat Rahat in Saudi Arabia, El Chichón in Mexico, Ubehebe in California’s Death Valley desert, and Samalas in the Rinjani volcano complex in Indonesia. The combination of multidecadal dark skies, cold and acid rain plus the physiological / neurological effects of extreme radiation exposure caused near global famine, widespread illness and significant human population reduction.

The human death toll / property destruction from a Miyake event occurring in the modern age will bring new definition to the term ‘catastrophe’ and on a global scale, especially if it occurs during an extreme heating wave (which are now also common as dirt too and fast intensifying).

Miyake events are 100% normal and common as dirt here in Earth. The potential consequences of a Miyake event are far-reaching, affecting everything from technology and infrastructure to human health and ecosystems. Their effect on modern society and life will be extreme, noting that even just mildly elevated solar winds and moderate coronal mass ejections that rattle the protective geomagnetic field, trigger significantly increased hospitalization for clinical depression, acute anxiety, suicidal ideation, episodic psychosis, extreme migraine, cardiac events, stroke, accidents and violence-related injuries, stillbirth, premature birth and a very much longer list of serious medical emergencies.

[ mild / moderate solar events also trigger social disorder, extreme weather events, increased seismic intensity, mass whale / crustacean beachings and migrating flock collapses ]

Now imagine the human effects of a Miyake whopper that is 50–80x the size / intensity of the 1859 ejection event.

Noting that as geomagnetic field strength is rapidly plummeting in advance of a geomagnetic excursion / polarity reversal, it is providing increasingly less protection from dangerous solar events that disrupt terrestrial operating systems (including physiological / neurological, including human).

The inconvenient actuality is that Earth is a very dangerous place to live.

Our ancient ancestors knew this without doubt and invested enormous time, energy and effort into warning us in their very ancient and brilliant mnemotechnical tradition (in all its regional variations around the globe that extend tens of thousands of years into the past). In our very modern abject loss of memory and pathological alienation from place, we’ve recklessly, irresponsibly, stupidly built a rickety, dangerous, toxic civilization that cannot survive how this tiny, twirling, exceedingly unstable clump of space debris actually works.

The past 1,000 years of relative terrestrial stability have been the clear exception to the rule and even this brief period has been fraught with global and regional natural catastrophes that have repeatedly collapsed cultures / civilizations and placed the last remaining iteration of human in existential crisis over and over and over. While we watched and obsessively remembered until very recently when we were very carefully trained to forget everything important about human existence. To our great detriment.

Tick tock.

Remember. Be here. Be clear. Help others as if your own safety, sanity and life depend on theirs. Which they do.

From the linked article:

“Nine such extreme solar storms — known as Miyake Events — have now been identified as having occurred over the last 15,000 years. The most recent confirmed Miyake Events occurred in 993 AD and 774 AD. This newly-identified 14,300-year-old storm is, however, the largest that has ever been found — roughly twice the size of these two.”



Jeffrey Joe Miller

Human Biological Organism. Innately embedded in a tiny, twirling, exceedingly unstable clump of space debris that exists at the effect of a huge flaming sphere.