Our Ancient Ancestors Remembered

Jeffrey Joe Miller
10 min readJun 9, 2023
Equinoctial Precession

“We know not where we are.”

— Henry David Thoreau

The ancient, global mythopoetic / mnemotechnical tradition (oral recitation, texts, symbols, gnomons, geoconstructions, monument architecture, mnemonic rites), in its many regional variations and dating back tens of thousands of years, was securely rooted in advanced astromathematics, astrophysics, geophysics, ecoscience, an extensive historical record and complex medical philosophies (high sciences in their own right) and psychologically sophisticated moral / social codes that were seamlessly consistent with the history and science.

Ancient ‘mythology’ (including ‘religious), an integral element of this multi-faceted tradition, wasn’t fiction, entertainment, philosophy, or so-called ‘supernatural religion’, noting that there is no evidence that the concept of ‘religion’, or the concept of ‘supernatural’ (above and beyond the laws of nature) upon which the concept of ‘religion’ necessarily depends, or any even slightly similar concepts, existed anywhere in the world prior to their very modern invention in the 13th century by Christian High Scholastics who aggressively exported these anti-science concepts around the globe backed up by economic threat, torture and military force.

This very ancient tradition was a complex technology of memory, noting that according…



Jeffrey Joe Miller

Human Biological Organism. Innately embedded in a tiny, twirling, exceedingly unstable clump of space debris that exists at the effect of a huge flaming sphere.