Make the audio-player box always visible on

2 min readMar 4, 2018

Last night I found a fantastic article about the Dark Web, it was fascinating, and as a strategy to improve my English, I was reading while listening to the audio version.
Then I received a message on my phone.
I was in the middle of the article, and I got annoyed when I realized that you have to scroll up to the beginning of the article to click the “pause” button.

Come on Medium, seriously?

Anyways, I decided to fixe it somehow, and I ended up creating a chrome extension.

What this extension does is to place the audio player box at the bottom of the screen, making it always visible, so you can play/pause the audio without scrolling to the top of the article.

You can download and install the extension here:

After install, just open an article with audio on and click the icon in the extensions toolbar of your chrome browser.

Here you can find a lot of articles with audio:

You can contribute

Here you can find the source code and contribute here:




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