What is a Webview? And how can it drive your mobility strategy?

Background: a short case study

Jeffrey Rosser
4 min readApr 24, 2017

A major telecom was looking for a quick, innovative way to increase POS sales stations in its brick and mortar retail locations. The company had just picked up the Apple iPhone and Black Friday was near approaching. Forecasting the increase in foot traffic, the business turned to the technology team to come up with a solution. They had 8 weeks to deliver.

Knowing that there was not enough time to hard-wire new POS stations in every location. For that we’re talking a real logistical nightmare. They would have needed to procure hardware, wire new network drops, allocate more desk space for new workstations, and certify each and every one of their thousands of active corporate retail locations. Okay. On to ‘plan b’.

Already a few months in to a pilot program that deployed Samsung tablets for their Sales Leadership team, the company sensed an opportunity. Mobile POS stations deployed on tablets. Not exactly a novel approach at the time but one that surely would require teams to jump through a few technical and conceptual hurdles.

Here’s a look at a few of those:

  • Define the value chain for tablet procurement and delivery. Who are the players?
  • Corporate Information Security
  • Asset Management. In this case: Mobile Device Management.
  • Hardware product lifecycle. What is the total cost…



Jeffrey Rosser

Writer, technologist, user advocate. I like to think about how teams work.