It’s All About The Knee

Jeffrey Kass
End Racial Distancing Journal
3 min readMay 29, 2020


“Justice will not be served until those unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” -Ben Franklin

Unsplash Photo Credit: Bandersnap

As Minneapolis entered its third evening of unrest Thursday night, with police precincts overrun, retail stores destroyed, and buildings set afire, Facebook and Twitter are once again abuzz amidst unruliness and angry crowds. My own social media feeds of white friends and acquaintances included a number of condemnations regarding the rioting and destruction.

I’m not here to condone violence or destruction of property. Not following the Red Sox’s first World Series win in almost a century and not in Minneapolis. Because here’s what we know:

Black, white and other businesses suffer.

Small business owners, even those who are on the side of justice, suffer.

Corporations that donate millions to fighting racism and employ their own robust diversity programs suffer.

Employees, including minority employees who work at these businesses, suffer.

Harming these folks isn’t going to end racism or bring about justice for George Floyd or other government-murdered, unarmed Black men. Still, there is unmistakable irony in the anger about the rioting and looting.



Jeffrey Kass
End Racial Distancing Journal

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad