3 Reasons Why Engineers Make Great Magicians

Jeffrey MacBride
2 min readMar 24, 2024


You might not think that science and magic go together. They’re complete opposites, right? Obviously, the kind of magic in books and movies isn’t real. However, science is actually its own kind of magic.

As both an engineer and amateur stage magician, I am here to make the case for why I think engineers make fantastic magicians.

3 Traits Of Engineers That Make Them Excellent Magicians

Problem-solving skills

Engineers excel at solving incredibly complete problems because they are creative, analytical thinkers. This skill translates well into the world of magic. Creating illusions involves intricate problem solving to develop a show that captivates an audience.

After all, many audience members would not naturally know how to make something disappear or levitate. However, an engineer has the ability to dissect a problem and find the solution.

Attention to detail

What do engineering projects and magic tricks have in common? Meticulous attention to detail!

Engineers have to consider every aspect of a design, so matter how small, to ensure it is functional and safe. This skill translates perfectly to magic. A successful magic trick is one that is precisely executed. Not to mention, the magician has to control the audience’s attention at all times.

Engineers have this habitual scrutiny that can help them perfect their sleight of hand, timing, and the mechanics of magic tricks.

Creative and innovative thinking

Engineering is all about innovation, and engineers constantly push the boundaries of what is possible. An innovative mindset is so important in magic, where the element of surprise is critical.

Engineers can easily use their creativity to create unique tricks or add a new twist to an old classic. They can also leverage their familiarity with technology to incorporate things like augmented reality or electromagnetism to create a magical experience for their audience.



Jeffrey MacBride

Jeffrey MacBride is a Project Management Professional (PMP) in the Engineering field. https://jeffreymacbride.com/