What Are The Scientifically Backed Content Writing Tips?

Jeffrey keth
2 min readSep 3, 2018


Whether you want to sell products or service or any business ideas online it is necessary that you write something that is meaningful. It is also necessary to make it attractive, interesting and easy to understand so that readers are glued to it.

While great writing is an art there are a lot of behavioral psychologies involved in it. You as a copywriter must understand neuroscience studies and also have enough time to sift through dry research papers. All this will help you in your study on the mind and apply the best technique and your findings to produce a more persuasive content.

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Make Readers Feel Something

You must make the readers feel something with your writing. This you can do by acting on the mirror neurons and the power of it to affect the human mind. According to research, these mirror neurons are activated when you observe anything happening. These then transfers these feelings on to you that are biologically very useful evolutionary traits such as responsiveness or empathy. Part from literal observations the mirror neurons also focuses on emotions that are strongly passed on through words as well. Saying “Envision this” will not make the readers care. You will need to speak about a feeling that is already there in them and not force these on your reader.

Beware Of Selling Savings

According to research low prices are not the only thing to sell and it is a bad idea to ask customers to compare prices directly. Research has also showed that selling ‘time’ is far better and more effective for every business than selling ‘money’. This approach will help you to foster personal connection and feelings with the product. Actually, it is proven that referring to time will characteristically lead to more favorable attitudes which in turn will lead to more purchases.

Relate To The Copy

But how does it relate to writing a great copy by the Accurate Content Writing Services in USA? Well, it helps to include all that really matters to the buyer including their time, objectives and troubles. You will be in a strong position to increase your margins and sustain a competitive advantage. When you gain a customer and establish relationship with them make sure that it is according to their wants and not yours. You must not treat everyone in the same manner but provide a consistent customer relationship for your value proposition.

