UI/UX Case Study — CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in Krealogi App

Jeffry Josselim
8 min readNov 28, 2021


DISCLAIMER : This project is part of the UI/UX training program implemented by Skilvul (https://skilvul.com/home), for Kampus Merdeka program held by Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia. Krealogi is the Challenge Partner. I am not working for nor contracted profesionally by Krealogi.

About Me

I am a final year student at STIE Eka Prasetya Medan. In this activity, I participated in an internship program organized by the Ministry of Education and in collaboration with Skilvul. From Skilvul, there are several partnerships that are given and this time I chose Krealogi for my internship.


Krealogi offers a comprehensive solution : Communities as a forum for networking with other business actors, training to develop UMKM capabilities and skills, as well as user friendly applications to help record operational activites and make strategic plans. From the experience of running craft UMKM since 2015, Du Anyam really understand the constraints of UMKM in order to management, production, and inventory to delivery.


  1. Currently, there is only an incoming order record feature, there is no client database stored in the application, which can support the ease of selling products by users.
  2. Business Card and Customer Contact.

Role in team

While working on the UX case study, I didn’t work alone, but I collaborated with two other designers, Adinda Kusumawati and Sabila Nurpajriani. Together with them, we did brainstorming starting from Define, Ideate Stage, Categorizing Ideate Stage, Crazy 8’s, Prototyping and testing to users.

Tools that I use

Tools to support UX Case Study

Design Process

Design thinking Process is a process of solving problems in a more practical way and looking for creative solution ideas, such as emphasizing to see a UI/UX Design from the user’s point of view. In this case, we use methods that are generally used in designing, namely emphatize, define, ideate, prototype and testing.

Design Thinking Process Roadmap

1. Emphatize

Emphatize is the first step in design thinking because it is a skill that allows us to understand and share the same feelings with the users.

In the Emphatize stage, to understand how users feel, we try how to use and explore all the features in the Krealogi app. And also we conduct user interviews to find out how users feel using the application. And there is also secondary data provided by Krealogi to support our emphaty stage.

User Persona

After conducting an interview with sis Suryanti, I did the next stage of the Design Process, namely Define.

2. Define

Define stage is where you’ll establish a clear idea of exactly which problem you will solve for the user


The current application does not have a user-friendly interface for the target user, small business owners with low levels of digital skills. Krealogi still encounters some problems from its users regarding their business activites. Therefore, Krealogi needs to create additional features which is a simple Customer Relationship Management (CRM) which helps users to store and manage customer and lead data, and to track some customers interactions.

Pain Points

After analyzing the problem and gathering information from emphatize stage, we got some pain points as follows:

Pain Points

How-Might We

After getting some pain points me and my group mates brainstorm for How Might We. And got the results of How Might We as follows:

How-Might We

3. Ideate

Ideate stage is a creative process where designers generate ideas in brainstorming sessions. It is the third stage in the Design Thinking process. Participants gather with open minds to produce as many ideas as they can to address a problem statement in a facilitated, judgment-free environment.

After finishing the brainstorming on the pain points section and also How-Might We, my group and I did an ideation where we thought of some solution ideas for How-Might We that we have made.

Solution Idea

At this stage I brainstorm with my teammates to think about what features are good to implement into our UI Design later. And we also thought of 18 features but we did a vote and there are only 11 features that we think will be used after we discuss them.

Solution Idea

Affinity Diagram

The Affinity Diagram is a business tool used to organize ideas and data. It is one of the Seven Management and Planning Tools. In this section, we make a grouping of the ideas that have been voted into several parts.

Affinity Diagram

Prioritization Idea

Then we make a Prioritization Idea where at this stage my teammates and I focus on thinking about what features we will make first.

Prioritization Idea

Crazy 8's

Crazy 8’s is the most challenging part because we have to design in Lo-Fi in just 8 minutes. And after finishing the design we also voted on the Lo-Fi design that we made in the Crazy 8’s session.

Our Crazy 8's

User Flow

After creating Crazy 8’s we create a user flow such as order details, integrated chat features, then search, edit and also delete customer contacts.

User Flow

4. Prototyping

After completing the ideate phase, we continue the prototyping phase where we think about Lo-Fi designs such as Wireframes to beautify the appearance to the Hi-Fi stage.

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

On Wireframes we create some images that are almost similar to Crazy 8’s and then adapt them to the User Flow.


Design System

Don’t forget to also create a Design System in this project so that the designs we make can be more consistent. But this time not all of me and my group made the Design System because there are colors and text styles that have been given by the Krealogi.

Color Style Design System
Text Style Design System

High-Fidelity UI Design

After done with all the Lo-Fi and Design System, Me and my teammates decided to make it to next stage which is creating a Hi-Fi UI Design. Before creating a Hi-Fi, we discussed some wireframe and decided to make a little change between Wireframes and UI Design that we made.

Low-Fi & Hi-Fi
Hi-Fi Design


Here’s a little try to my prototype.

5. Testing

The last stage is to do testing. A design is not complete without user testing of the designs and prototypes that we develop. Therefore I am looking for a user to interview. Before start testing, we prepare a stimulus research document, which consists of :

  • Research Objective
  • User Criteria
  • Scenario Research
  • Question List
  • Usability Metric

Research Objective

  1. Knowing respondent thoughts about customer relationships.
  2. Knowing the habits / ways of respondents in establishing / building good relationships with customers.
  3. Knowing whether users use the application in recording their business
  4. Finding out what features users want in using the application for business continuity
  5. Knowing the ease of use of the Simple CRM (Customer Relationship Management) feature in the UMKM apps.

User Criteria

  • Age : 18–55 Years
  • Profession : Work as an employee or UMKM business domiciled throughout Indonesia
  • Language : Indonesia
  • Understand/not understand the basic of digital application.

Test Scenario

  1. Introduction
  2. Q&A Session
  3. Testing Prototype based on task :
    [Task 1] Start from order details
    [Task 2] Trying chat feature
    [Task 3] Search, Edit and Delete Contact.
  4. Ask about feedback and Single Ease Question score from user
  5. End interview

Test Result

At the end of the interview session the user gave feedback to me and the team where there were several designs that needed to be revised. The following are the plus points and minus points of the designs that we have made.

Plus Point :
1. The user interface is very simple so easy to understand
2. Have a good feature.

Minus Point :
1. There is a button section that is not needed because it is already on another page.

Single Ease Question

After completing the task section and then getting some positive and negative feedback, I also asked the respondents using the Single Ease Question method.

Single Ease Question (SEQ) is a popular UX Metric used by researchers during usability studies to assess the complexity and usability of a task given to a user. It allows to get more qualitative data about a task and solicit information from users about how they feel about performing the task.

Source : https://measuringu.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/seq-scale-comp.jpg

Respondents also gave several values. and there are several values that we ask which is, the level of usability, the level of convenience and the level of satisfaction.

Score of Single Ease Question

Iteration Design

After getting some feedback from the respondents, we also had time to make some revisions to improve our prototype after doing usability testing. And these are some of the views that we have changed.

Iteration Design
Iteration Design
Iteration Design


Krealogi is an application created by Du Anyam with the aim of facilitating and developing MSME-owned businesses in Indonesia. And with the features that we have made, we hope that the Krealogi application can support MSME businesses and users themselves can use it easily to follow up clients with the CRM feature that has been made.

Next Recommendation

Krealogi apps still can be developed and can be added interesting features that make an improvement on the user experience such as adding a automatic marketing feature or maybe a schedule calendar in this Krealogi apps.

Thank you for taking your time to read my UX Case Study. If you want to give feedback I will feel free to email me or comment below. If there are any mistakes and shortcomings in making this UX Case Study, I apologize. And if you like this UX Case Study dont forget to “Claps” and share to your friend so they know what you know. Once again Thank you very much for reading.

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