The Best Investments Aren’t Monetary

What We All Should Invest In

Jeff Barton


When most people talk about investing, they discuss assets, real estate or material items. In considering investments, we think about net worth and all things financial — objects or options which will make us richer. Things, possessions, paper.

However, none of those things are worth even a fraction of what we should invest in. And it took me over four decades to realize it.

This morning, I woke up with my normal plan in mind. The take my kids to school, run, and work plan. Most of the time, the day brings the ordinary routine. But there are other days which bring new life and new insights, and today was one of those days which reminded me of what some of the more important things in life are.

It seems I’ve been having a lot of these realizations lately. I think it’s because I’m finally open to them. I’m more aware of everything that goes on around me and I’m more aware of everyone around me. I believe I’ve ignored these moments for so long that now, I can’t not see them.

I’ve become more in tune with myself and those around me. My head is up and receptive of everything because I realized there is nothing to see when my head and eyes are cast down. And it’s allowing me to enjoy life more than I ever have before.



Jeff Barton

Dad, trail/ultra runner, orophile & aspiring recluse. I write about life, mental health, and running. Starting life over. Creator of Runner’s Life.