Why Not?

Experiencing Life Through a New Lens

Jeff Barton



It is one of the best things in life which we all take for granted. We are bombarded every day with choices — whether it’s in the grocery store looking at the thousands of products, in the way we choose to interact with others or even in the way we drive. We make hundreds of choices a day and most of the time we do it on auto-pilot. Even not choosing is a choice.

However, most of these daily decisions don’t have a huge impact on the long-term of our life. Those dozen donuts you picked up at the store instead of the salad may not have been the best choice nutrition-wise but it will not have a big impact on your overall life that day.

But there are other choices we make which may have a long-lasting effect on our future. I’m not talking about career-wise or financially, although it can be true for both topics. I’m talking about our outlook on how we view the world and those around us. I’m discussing the “why” of the choices we make.

I’m an introvert and have not been open to new experiences if I’m being honest. It’s not that I’m so closed off to everything, it’s that I’m uncomfortable in many situations. I have always preferred being in situations I could control, and usually, that meant being alone. Like Cheryl Strayed said in her book Wild, “Alone had always



Jeff Barton

Dad, trail/ultra runner, orophile & aspiring recluse. I write about life, mental health, and running. Starting life over. Creator of Runner’s Life.