This Republican Will Vote for Any Democrat, Even a Yellow Dog

A GOP insider is fed up with Trump enablers

Jeff Timmer
6 min readNov 30, 2019

(UPDATED April 20, 2020)

It used to be said that many Democratic voters, especially in the South, would choose a “yellow dog” before casting a ballot for a Republican. The term originated in the late 1800s. It didn’t matter who the candidate was or what they actually sought to achieve in office. They only thing that mattered was they were a Democrat and not a godforsaken Republican. I suppose that describes me now.

That’s not a small thing to say.

Supporting Democrats goes against my political DNA. I’ve advised and directed hundreds of Republican legislative, congressional, statewide campaigns — including presidential campaigns. I was the executive director of the Michigan Republican Party for many years and operated at the highest levels of the Republican National Committee. Yet after 30 years earning my living in Republican politics, a Democratic candidate needs to demonstrate just one thing to win my vote — a pulse.

I realized this last November while watching returns in the Louisiana governor’s race, hoping that Democrat John Bel Edwards would win re-election. I had the same desire for the gubernatorial election in Kentucky and the battle for control of the…



Jeff Timmer

Michigan political expert. Campaign strategist. Writer. Communicator. Persuader. Erstwhile GOPer. Trump critic. Skilled in smartassery.