Continuous Delivery for Elixir (Part 3.1 — Conform Addendum)

Jeff Weiss
1 min readJun 14, 2016


After publication of parts 3 and 4, I noticed an error while running our release. Our room configuration was not being properly transformed to a list of tuples even though “mix conform.effective” indicated everything was correct and the release initially had the proper sys.config.

tl;dr Just the fix, ma’am

Sgt Joe Friday says, “Just the fix”

We need a new conform escript; conform_exrm pulls in deps/conform/priv/bin/conform into our release, but it’s outdated. Until 2.0.1 is released, we’ll need to build it ourselves.

The version of conform that’s shipped with our release is an escript. We can pretty easily rebuild the escript and resolve this, at least with a temporary band-aid.

$ cd deps/conform
$ mix deps.get
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix
$ mv conform priv/bin



Jeff Weiss

A man of infinite resource and sagacity. Filled with ‘satiable curiosity. A howler himself. All places are alike to me. 18A8 5300 B15A 36D1