To-Do Lists

Jeff Wickerham
2 min readSep 3, 2015


For the past two summers, Sarah (my wife) and I, sat down with our kids and created a summer to-do list. We asked them what they wanted to do from June-August: anything they wanted. We didn’t limit their answers. We didn’t say, “we can’t do that”. We just wrote what they suggested. The only rule we had was that all 6 of us had to participate. Sarah and I added to the list too!

2015 Summer To-Do List

As you can see, we weren’t able to get everything done…and that’s OK! Weren’t able to go the the White House, but we did go on a rocket ship to the moon (we read an article about astronauts and ate moon cheese). Sarah and I decided Batman wouldn’t have been appropriate yet (Dark Knight with Heath Ledger is what they wanted to watch-one of the best movies of all time!).

We taped this list on the wall near the dinner table, where we knew we would all see it, constantly (this is key to working on your list).

What did we learn from this list? We most likely wouldn’t have done half of these activities. We definitely wouldn’t have adopted our newest family member, Kali :)

On one of the last days of summer for us, we realized we hadn’t given back to our community. Sarah and I decided to go to our local animal shelter and give back by walking and playing with the dogs. That is where we fell in love with a 4 month old mutt!

Kali helping her siblings put together a puzzle this morning.

#HealthTip this week is to create your to-do list. It could be personal, your family, your work, or whatever list you want to create. Put it somewhere you will see it and remind you of your goals. Realize that it is okay not to compete this list, but strive to work on that list. You will feel good about crossing things off and getting things done!

