What is Mamba?

Joe El Khoury - GenAI Engineer
6 min readDec 11, 2023


The following article will just introduce lightly and simply the new Mamba model without diving technically.

Mamba is an advanced state-space model (SSM) designed for efficient handling of complex, data-intensive sequences. it is published lately in the paperMamba: Linear-Time Sequence Modeling with Selective State Spaces” developed by leading researchers Albert Gu and Tri Dao.

Mamba stands out in its application to various fields such as language processing, genomics, and audio analysis. This innovative model utilizes a linear-time sequence modeling architecture, which incorporates selective state spaces to deliver top-notch performance across different modalities, including language, audio, and genomics.

This groundbreaking model represents a significant shift in the approach to machine learning, which might lead to enhanced efficiency and performance.

One of Mamba’s key strengths is its ability to address the computational challenges associated with traditional Transformers when dealing with long sequences. By integrating a selection mechanism into its state space models, Mamba can effectively decide whether to propagate or discard information based on the relevance of each token in the sequence. This selective approach results in significantly faster inference, boasting a throughput rate five times higher than that of standard Transformers, and demonstrates linear scaling with sequence length. Remarkably, Mamba’s performance continues to improve with real data, even in sequences extending to a million elements.

Explanation of the importance of Mamba

Mamba is unique in the world of machine learning models because of its special features (its well-organized approach to state-space models and its compatibility with powerful computer hardware).

First, it works faster in a way that matches the length of the data it’s dealing with .

  • Linear time scaling : Unlike traditional models, Mamba has the ability to process sequences linearly in proportion to their length.

This is different from other models.

Second, at its heart, Mamba has a special layer that can smartly choose which information to focus on or ignore at each step.

  • Selective SSM layer : At the core of Mamba is a selective state-space layer that allows the model to selectively propagate or suppress information based on the input at each step.

Lastly, its design is inspired by something called FlashAttention, making it really well-suited for the powerful computers we have now.

  • Hardware-friendly design : Inspired by FlashAttention, Mamba’s design is optimized for the high-performance computing resources currently available.

This combination of features helps Mamba perform better than many existing models, including those based on the transformer approach, which is popular in various AI applications.

Fast inference with Mamba

One of Mamba’s strengths is quickly completing prompts, showing its ability to think fast. Also, it can handle big batches of data effectively, keeping its accuracy and speed high.

Mamba’s technological superiority

To fully understand what makes Mamba special, you need to look closely at its technical details. It’s made to work best with NVIDIA graphics cards on Linux computers. Mamba uses the capabilities of PyTorch 1.12+ and CUDA 11.6+ to achieve great efficiency and performance. Plus, installing Mamba is easy with the pip command, which makes it user-friendly for a broad audience, including people in academia and the industry.


The performance of Mamba on a series of popular downstream zero-point evaluation tasks. these models were compared with the best-known open source models, most importantly Pythia and RWKV, which were trained with the same tokens, dataset, and training length (300B tokens) as our model. (Note that Mamba and Pythia are trained with a context length of 2048, while RWKV is trained with a context length of 1024).

Key Points:

The Mamba model integrates selective Structured State Space Models (SSMs) into a streamlined, end-to-end neural network architecture, notably devoid of traditional attention mechanisms. The Mamba-3B model is said to outperform Transformers of the same size and matches Transformers twice its size in terms of performance. The 1.4B Mamba language model has 5× inference throughput compared to Transformers of similar size, and its quality matches that of Transformers twice its size. This innovative design has shown exceptional performance in language modeling tasks, both during pre-training phases and in various downstream evaluations, outshining comparable transformer models. A standout feature of Mamba is its ability to progressively improve performance with increasing context length, effectively managing sequences up to a staggering one million elements. This capability underscores Mamba’s versatility and potential as a foundational model for universal sequence processing applications. It holds particular promise in emerging fields that require processing of long context sequences, such as genomics, audio, and video. Central to its design is a novel selection mechanism tailored for structured state space models, which enables the model to perform context-relevant reasoning while maintaining linear scalability with respect to sequence length.

🚀 Linear Scaling with Sequence Length: Mamba changes the game by scaling linearly (~O(N)) with sequence length, a vast improvement over the quadratic scaling (~O(N²)) of traditional Transformers. This means Mamba can handle sequences up to 1 million elements efficiently, a feat made possible with current GPU technology.

💡 Efficient Use of Data for Smarter Outcomes: Mamba stands out by effectively utilizing larger datasets and networks to produce smarter results. It challenges the notion that simply having more data and a bigger network does not always lead to better performance.

🖥️ Optimized for GPU Efficiency: Designed with modern GPU hardware in mind, Mamba addresses common computational inefficiencies, setting a new standard in machine learning architecture efficiency.

Mamba vs Transformers: Quick Comparison 🚀

The future of Mamba in AI

The arrival of Mamba in the AI landscape has created a buzz and curiosity about its potential influence. With its skill in handling long sequences effortlessly and setting high-performance standards, Mamba seems poised to be a key player in shaping the future of sophisticated AI systems.

Thus, it is expected to play an important role in the advancement of AI technology. Its efficiency and performance set the stage for the development of more sophisticated models and applications, potentially creating the next generation of AI breakthroughs. Mamba architecture could serve as the foundation for the next generation of cutting-edge AI models. It could revolutionize various sectors:

1. Healthcare: By quickly analyzing genetic data, Mamba could help in creating personalized medicine treatments.
2. Finance: It can examine long-term market trends to help in making more precise stock market predictions.
3. Customer Service: Mamba can power chatbots that keep track of extended conversations, enhancing customer interactions.

Conclusion: Mamba is the foundation of modern AI

Mamba’s arrival marks a new chapter where limited sequence length and low computational efficiency are becoming relics of the past. Also it defies the myth that says having more data and bigger model means smarter model.

Over the years, we’ve seen the transition from RNN to Transformer and now Mamba. These leaps bring AI closer to being able to process information and think with human-like depth. Mamba’s linear time scaling and selective state space approach embodies the innovative spirit that is driving the field of AI forward.

Although, only Mamba 3B and 1.4B were tested, this raises the question if the model will perform similarly in larger models. Also, do you think smaller LLM models will be now the trend? Do you think Mamba architecture can affect AGI development and its timeframe to be achieved?

I’m Joe, and my ambition is to lead the way to industry 5.0 performance. I’m always interested in new opportunities, so don’t hesitate to contact me on my LinkedIn.



Joe El Khoury - GenAI Engineer

Generative AI Engineer at OnePoint France Leading the way to Industry 5.0 performance