Redemption in the Twilight

Russell Jelks
2 min readMay 7, 2017


A story of crime in the city

It is sunset, and on the roof stands the Twilight Avenger, watching the world go by below. The good people go about their lives. They drive home from work, take out the trash, or do their homework, never looking up to see their protector guarding them.

She looks up and down the street, scanning for her enemy. Night after night she hears him, terrorizing the city while the good people cower in fear. But that will end tonight.

Then she sees him, at the end of the street. Dark and menacing. The Wolf. He stalks down the street, not knowing that the Twilight Avenger is on to him. She springs into action.

First, she shoots the grappler from her wrist to a nearby tree. Then she swings down from the roof on a rope that’s stronger than steel. As she flies down to make a perfect three point landing, her cape flutters behind her like a forest green flag. Surprised, Wolf stops and looks at her.

“Wolf! For too long you’ve terrorized this city. One way or another, this ends now!”

She walks toward him and takes out her ninja sword. The Wolf shivers and cowers in fear. She looks into his eyes. They look sad. So sad. Like the Wolf knows how bad he’s been.

She stops and holds out her hand. “You don’t have to die. There is another way. A better way.” She holds her ninja sword down by her side, but keeps it ready, because she knows the Wolf is not to be trusted.

“Smell my hand and know that I am not afraid. The Twilight Avenger is stronger than any Wolf. You cannot hurt me.”

The Wolf sniffs her hand, then licks it. They lock eyes. He knows he has lost. The Wolf rolls over and shows his belly to surrender.

But the Twilight Avenger is not a killer. She puts the ninja sword away.

“You know,” she says as she scratches his belly, “fighting crime and arresting bad guys is hard work. I can’t do it all. I could use a sidekick. Someone to take out the minions while I go for the mastermind. I think you’d make a great sidekick, Wolf.”

Then the porch light comes on.

“That’s my signal, Wolf. I have to go. Sidekick training will have to wait till tomorrow. Tonight is spaghetti. And if I’m lucky, chocolate ice cream with sprinkles!”

