NHS Blood and Transplant Campaign and the Power of DOOH

Jemima Morrow
3 min readDec 7, 2017


In May 2016, the NHS took a big step towards breaking the stigma surrounding blood donation and inspiring the public to sign up, through the use of digital out of home advertising (DOOH) and augmented reality (AR). A bold statement for the NHS who often veer towards the safe and traditional when it comes to ad campaigns.

The campaign, in London and Birmingham, used digital billboards combined with smartphone AR to replicate the procedure of blood donation.

Members of the public were approached by NHS volunteers, who handed over iPhones that brought to life the process of a needle entering their arm and taking a digital blood sample.

Meanwhile, the digital billboard showed a blood bag being filled in sync with the iPhone extracting the blood, along with onscreen real-life patients transforming from the appearance of unwell to well. Once the bag was full, the billboard unveiled a personalised message to the user, stating that they have just seen ‘the power of blood donation’.

The advertisement aimed at increasing overall blood donors in the UK was designed to specifically target young people and those of African and South Asian descent, as there is the greatest need to increase donations from these groups.

The fusion of digital, interactive ad screens, AR and street team engagement together was always going to be impressive but it also carried with it some practical benefits, for one, the use of AR helped to eliminate stigma and fear of needles by demonstrating the simplicity of the procedure.

Needless to say, the campaign was a great success, winning the Digital Outdoor Advertising Competition by Ocean Outdoor, as well as encouraging hundreds of participants to sign up as donors. The results show the power of DOOR and AR, bringing a new dimension to how immersive out of home advertising can be.

Research shows that encouraging the public to get participate and contribute to the advertising experience, particularly through using smartphone technology, forms a deeper connection to the organisation or brand and makes for a more engaging experience. This has a positive impact on the user, whether it be to purchase a product, use a service or donate blood.

It’s no surprise that digital out of home advertising spend growth in the UK is estimated to reach 20% by the end of 2017, accounting for almost half of the UK out of home advertising market.

Exciting times are ahead with potential for brands and ad agencies to take their campaigns as far as their imaginations can carry them.

