Only 3% of Your Prospects Are Ready to Buy

Jen Phillips April
2 min readDec 1, 2019
Otavalo Market in Otavalo, Ecuador

If you’ve ever been frustrated because you feel like you’re calling, emailing, Facebooking, etc. without much to show for it…

This could be the reason….

Only 3% of your qualified prospects are ready to buy what you sell.

This is true whether you sell copywriting services, real estate, pet services, or skincare products.

However, roughly 11% will be ready to buy in the next 3 months.

Another 17% are likely to close the deal within 4–6 months….and on and on…

There are lots of good statistics from outfits like Cahner’s Business and other reputable associations.

Here’s the thing, if you don’t keep in touch with those people throughout this phase, they’ll likely buy from someone else.


They don’t remember you.

It’s nothing personal, they’re just busy. (Can you relate?)

Of course, you don’t want to constantly send them annoying messages such as, “just checking in…are you ready to buy yet?”

That makes you look desperate.

So what do you instead?

You keep showing up in the places where they hang out.

