Some of the best animated Halloween movies

Jency Kennedy
1 min readOct 31, 2022


Animated Halloween movies have great impact

Animated movies are my favorites. No doubt, all the best Halloween movies are mostly animated ones! Let me share you some of my most favorite ones.

Celebrate Halloween with animated movies

These animated movies have the best storylines, and these animated characters deliver emotions better than the real life actors. Animation makes everything better, isn’t it?

  • Hotel Transylvania

This movie is so fun to watch. Papa Drac builds Hotel Transylvania in the world of humans for the vampires and demons to stay. This concept is similar to the belief that both humans and spirits come in contact with each other on Halloween day.

  • Mama Coco

This movie is an attempt to show the traditions and beliefs around Halloween. The theme of memories keeping the dead alive is so heartwarming.

  • Corpse Bride

Who doesn’t know Emily, “Always the bridesmaid, but never a bride”?

  • The Halloween tree

A group of friends explore the world of the dead and learn the traditions behind Halloween. This movie is the right choice if you want to teach kids about the Halloween festival.

  • Monster House

This animated movie is actually one of the movies that gives the message of Halloween.

