Usability Testing

jen @ dcs
1 min readOct 1, 2014


The goal of the experiment is to be able to perform a low-level usability test of an application. More specifically, the goal is to find any weak point[s] of the chosen app.


  1. Choose an application you would like to test for this experiment. It could be an application you have been using or something you’re going to use for the first time.
  2. Identify ten (10 ) test tasks.
  3. Analyze and test your chosen application guided by the test tasks you have identified. Be able to identify pain points as well as strong features whilst doing the testing. Be mindful of key issues. Screenshots are necessary to better relay results of the test.
  4. Lastly, come up with design suggestions to improve the application.
  5. Submit the results of your experiment via a post here in Medium, in this collection. Submission deadline is on 13 October 2014 (Monday), 12MN.

Report must contain the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Objective
  • Test Tasks
  • Analysis
  • Findings

Some samples you may use as guides:

Good luck and happy sembreak!

Thank you for the semester. :-)

