Midjourney AI for Everyone: How to Access this Powerful Tool

An AI that can produce incredible images based on prompts inputted from the user

3 min readMar 17, 2023
Created using Midjourney v5

AI continue to revolutionize the modern era and Midjourney is no exception. This is an AI that has the capability of receiving a description of text known as a ‘prompt’, then creating an image based off the written context. You are able to achieve incredible works of art this way and Midjourney’s massive library allows it to create millions of unique images.

The company beyond Midjourney is an independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species. They are a small self-funded team focused on design, human infrastructure, and AI.

It is truly incredible to see the raw potential this AI contains, not to mention how easy it is to utilize from a user’s perspective.

How to Use Midjourney

(Image Credit: Midjourney)

Luckily starting the process is very straightforward and only requires access to Discord, a free social app. It is worth noting Midjourney will create 4 custom images contingent on the prompt you provide it. Additionally your only allowed 25 free prompts before having to pay for their subscription to use the service.

How to Start:

  • To start, head on over to: https://www.midjourney.com/home/?callbackUrl=%2Fapp%2F
  • From there, select the “Join the Beta” button and you will be prompted to open their Discord server (currently the only place to make use of the AI)
  • Once inside the server, look for the “getting-started” tab on the left hand side and select it to read the instructions
  • Now just follow the instructions presented; Select any of the ‘newbie’ channels, start by typing “/imagine” then enter whatever you would like it to create

Due to the high demand in these servers it can be difficult to find your results. You can either:

  • Use the search bar in the top right corner of Discord and filter with options like “from: user” to find your message, or “mentions: user” to locate your image when the bot completes it
  • You can also scroll through and look for any yellow or highlighted blocks within Discord as they means you were specifically referenced

As an example, I went into one of the ‘newbie’ channels and entered this as my prompt:

Less than 10 seconds later I was pinged and received this:

You have the added bonus of being able to select one of the 4 generated images and make different types of variations of them. You can even use the refresh button to simply generate 4 new images based off the original prompt, offering some more flexibility to an already incredibly capable system.

Hopefully this helps you start creating amazing works of art in an instant or be able to exert some creativity in how to best utilize this AI. The future is looking very technologically advanced and genuinely exciting as we start to see pieces of software like AI’s rise up.

This Article is intended to be Informational

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Top Writer in Gaming. Contributor to the SUPERJUMP magazine and Illumination. I write about Software Development practices and all things gaming