No Adult Saw Any Red Flags.

Just go and repent.

Jeni Grace
2 min readOct 6, 2020
Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

At the age of 8, a girl in my neighborhood, and I became fast friends that summer. She went to my church and was in my class at school.

We usually played at her house. Her room was upstairs in a loft in the attic.

It was quiet and secret.

We played boyfriend and girlfriend. We kissed and kissed. Our play became more and more sexual. French kissing, touching, and getting naked.

We acted out sex rubbing our naked bodies together not really knowing what we were doing.

One day towards the end of the summer we saw her older sister spying on us. She didn’t say anything but we immediately stopped the game and I went home.

We never played together after that. I was terrified that her sister was going to tell and I would get in trouble. Big trouble.

I was so scared about getting into trouble I started to feel a tightness in my chest that wouldn’t go away. I told my mom about me and my friend kissing.

My mom didn’t ask me questions.

She thanked me for being brave and telling her. She told me I needed to go see the bishop to repent. Several days later on Sunday after church, my Mom and my Dad took me to the church to meet with the Bishop.

I went into the Bishop’s office by myself; an 8-year-old girl. I sat in the chair across the big long desk. I was terrified and so ashamed. “You have something to tell me?” he asked.

I clumsily confessed my sin of kissing with another girl.

No adult asked me any other questions or inquired about anything else.

No adult saw any red flags.

I was just asked to go and repent.

If you’d like to read more follow me here.

