In That Troubled Mind

DL Jenings
Apr 5, 2022


Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

When the past comes back to discomfit one,
In that troubled mind, a heart will succumb!
As those monsters no longer live in the dark,
No time to prolong this mountain to embark!

Just, encircled by things that shall never be,
And now a light is on, monsters one can see!
But upon the inviting glares, a heart quivers,
Up and down the spine those innate shivers!

Those eyes, melt a heart of ice alike the sun,
Imbuing a mind with what can’t be undone!
Recognize words but seemingly don’t belong,
As it is what’s left of, that unsung love song!

The lyric in one’s head goes on and still plays,
But that nameless song, holds a heart at bay!
When this past comes back to discomfit one,
In that troubled mind, a heart shall succumb!


DL Jenings



DL Jenings

Just trying to make sense out of life, one word at a time.