NaNoWriMo Day 1: 1,894 of 50,000

Jenna L Pratt
4 min readNov 1, 2016


At laaaassssttttt it’s time to write a novel! Happy November and happy National Novel Writing Month. Day one has been a struggle indeed because I was only able to write 720 words (I know that sounds like a lot but for me it’s lacking). Hopefully I will set up some goals for myself so I can get to that magical 50,000 words.

If you missed the beginning of my “Untitled” story head HERE. For those who wish to continue here is the next portion where we get a main character name (RILEY!):

Or maybe it starts with getting some furniture in my studio. I only had two boxes to unpack so I did what any 20-something does when they are trying to be productive-put some music on. I managed to pull out my laptop from my backpack despite bringing several other items tumbling out with it. I smirked as I placed my laptop on the small table with its scratches and fading blue color.

Hearing Ben Howard float out from my speakers gave me a peace I didn’t know I was in need of at the moment. The unpacking process was quick- a few utensils here a set of bed sheets there- and I knew my next move was to get some actual furniture. I was quick to grab my key to the flat, my phone, and my wallet quietly slipping out of my door and heading downstairs. The sun was lower in the sky and the time was nearing 2 in the afternoon so I hoped the furniture store wasn’t closed or closing soon- who knew how long this was going to take.

“Shoot. I don’t even know where a furniture store is,” I said softly to myself as I realized I was walking randomly without a destination in mind. I quickly pulled out my phone and brought up Google thankful to have located a furniture shop only a few blocks from my flat. I turned my gaze up to the sky thanking whoever it was up there who was helping me out.

On my walk to the shop I sent a quick message to my parents letting them know as soon as I got settled I would call them. Moments later I turned the corner and located the fancy scrawl on the building next to a Tesco that read Delcor Furniture. The door made a distinct, and loud, ding noise as I entered thankful for that open sign still on the door.

To say I was incredibly overwhelmed was an understatement. Really, my place was small so I wouldn’t require much but that mini-giraffe looked like it would fit great next to my small table. I had to stop myself. Riley we are here for furniture. A minimal amount of furniture. Riley, your flat is a studio there is barely any room for you to make a jazz square let alone house a mini-giraffe.

“Afternoon ma’m,” I heard a female voice from behind me.

I swiveled around the giraffe blurring before me. “Oh hi-er afternoon.” Manners Riley. MANNERS.

“Hi, what can I help you with today?” she charged on her perfectly straightened hair moving slightly as she turned to look at me intently.

“Uh, well I am in need of some furniture.” Oh yeah really? I had no clue Riley’s mouth that we were in a furniture store!

The furniture lady showed a spectacular poker face. Not even a twitch of the eyebrow or anything. “Well ma’m you are in the right place. Anything in particular you are looking for?”

I racked my brain. “Well I just moved here and I only have a stool and a table so I could use several items. A uh bed, oh a side table maybe, a couch for sure, um what else? Oh some rugs or maybe just one. It is quite a small place.” Was I babbling? Did I have any dignity left in front of this nice furniture lady?

She paused and then smiled wide. Really wide. Oh thank god!

“Sounds like you’re a tad bit overwhelmed. Let me show you some options.”

We spent a good hour or so walking around the store before I finally selected a few items. After I signed the receipt a thought struck me.

“You have delivery options correct?” I couldn’t believe I didn’t ask this sooner. I didn’t have anyway of getting a bed frame to my flat.

“Absolutely, I was just about to hand you the delivery form. Just jot down your address and what time works best for you and we will deliver and set it up,” she said ever so cheerfully.

“Thank you so much Patricia,” I glanced quickly at her name pin secured tightly to her blazer.

“It is my pleasure Ms. Hamerson.”

“Oh please call me Riley.”

As I left the store I managed to pick up a few grocery items to fill my small fridge thankful for the little life I was starting for myself in such a large city.

Let me know your thoughts fellow readers and writers! Best of luck to those taking on this mission :)




Jenna L Pratt

Author of "I Am Riley" and "Survivor" I 20-something Tweeter @JennaLPratt I English Teacher @mspratt16 I Lover of all things books and coffee