NaNoWriMo Day 30: 23,622 of 50,000

Jenna L Pratt
14 min readDec 1, 2016


Ross Parmly for Unsplash

Well November has come to an end and with it so has NaNoWriMo. Unfortunately I did not reach the 50,000 word goal but this does not mean I will stop writing my novel. I was so glad to have taken on this challenge because it not only forced me to write everyday, but it helped me realize that I want to get my Masters degree in Creative Writing. I have always been a storyteller with tons of unfinished stories filling up my storage on my hard drive. This time I will finish this story and add it to my application packet to whatever schools I plan to apply to in the next few years.

Thanks to the Medium community for their support and incredible stories! To read the previous chapters head HERE!

Without further ado, here is chapter 11.

Chapter 11

The saying goes that once you get the travel bug you can’t stop traveling. I truly believe that, but I also believe in another saying: there’s no place like home. It’s a given that whenever I would return home from traveling nothing felt better than my bed, my parents bickering over what they should eat for dinner, and those oh so familiar roads. It’s such a contradiction to say, I love to travel and I also love to be home, but it is absolute fact. This idea seems all the more pertinent now that I am in the midst of a storm. Knowing that in just a few short days I will be heading home to New York- my bed and my parents- where a whole ocean will be separating me and my current situation makes what is about happen a little more easier to endure.

On Monday morning I woke up on Ron’s couch with that same surge of confidence from last week. I need to move back to my flat. As I made a pot of coffee I gave myself a pep talk where no matter what I was going to be going back to my flat today. The suspect had been caught, he was going to be in prison, I was safe.

“Morn,” Ron mumbled walking into the kitchen rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He was notorious for his shorthand lingo especially in the morning. I made an audible, dramatic sigh not sure how to tell him I was going back to my flat. To be fair he probably wouldn’t believe me given that this would now be the third time I told him I would be moving back to my flat. “Anything on your mind Rye?” Thankfully my sigh was loud and dramatic enough to get his attention.

I put my cup down on the marble counter and leaned against it trying to form the correct words in my head. “I know you are probably not going to believe me, and I don’t blame you, but I have decided that I am going to move back to my flat today.” I waited for what felt like minutes before clearing my throat indicating I was waiting for some response from my best friend. “Oh,” he jumped a little placing his spoon in the sink, “sorry I thought there was more you were going to say. You know Rye I am all for it, really, but honestly don’t push yourself. If you really aren’t ready than I have no problem with you staying here.”

He was kind, as always, but this wasn’t about pushing myself, this was about moving forward. “I’m not pushing myself. Emiliano is in custody, he’s going to prison, I am safe.” Ron’s back was still turned toward me frustrating me since I couldn’t see his reaction to any of this. “Ok Rye,” he finally said turning to look at me, a calm look displayed on his face, “just know I’ll be here if you need me for anything.”

I smiled softly at him, ever so grateful for the bond that was growing between us. Most friendships, at their beginning, do not involve such personal discoveries as mine, but it is a relief to know that it doesn’t matter to Ron. One day I will get the chance to be there for him, the way he has been there for me through this whole ordeal. “Thank you Ron. I’m gonna get dressed and head home.”

I placed my now empty cup in the sink and walked into the living room. I folded the blankets Ron had let me borrow and grabbed a pair of somewhat clean jeans heading for the bathroom. In some weird, twisted way I felt bad that I was leaving. Ron’s place had really become a haven for me because its familiar walls and elevator didn’t induce moments of panic for me. Or maybe it was the way Ron reacted that made me feel guilty. Having learned what I did about him last weekend and what he told me during our heart to heart, it was clear I meant a lot to him. Does this guy actually have feelings for me? I shook my head fast hoping that thought would disappear. The first time a girl get’s that thought in her head about a friend it’s hard to see her guy friend in any other way.

I quickly finished up now feeling ready to get back to my flat as soon as possible. When I came out Ron had placed my duffel bag at the front entrance and the blankets I’d been using were no longer on the couch. When I stepped around the corner I saw Ron sipping on his cup of coffee his eyebrows raising when he saw me.

“All set?” he said over the rim of his cup. I nodded my head and walked toward him wrapping my arms around his neck. “Thank you,” I mumbled into his sweater. “For what Rye bread?” he asked as we pulled apart. I huffed not sure what to thank him for first. “Well for being there for me through all of this, but especially for letting me stay here for a bit. I really appreciate it.” He gave me his best crooked smile making me laugh. During one of our more festive nights-getting drunk-we ended up arguing for hours about guys who think they have a crooked smile but actually look like they have something stuck in their teeth. We ended up laughing about it for hours and it became a moment of humor for each of us when we were in a tense, or emotional, situation. Ron coming through with his comfort and humor as always made the guilt pile on my shoulders.

“Alright Ron Weasley I’ll see you tomorrow at work?” I said turning and heading to the door. He followed and mumbled a yes as I stepped into the hallway. I smiled at him and made my way to the elevator. I took a deep breath and hit the first floor button preparing for what was going to be the final time I left Ron’s flat with a duffel bag.

When I got on the tube home I ended up choosing my carriage that held the Chelsea crew on their way back from an outing. They all squealed and piled around me offering hugs. “Oi love we’ve missed your American face! Where did you go?” Annie managed to get out above the excited squeals. I shook my head and sat down, all eyes on me now. “Um I was still in town I just was staying with a friend for a bit.” The bright smiles faded a little at this news. Yes, the traveling, exciting American really wasn’t all that exciting after all ladies and gentleman. “Oh, well we’re glad you’re back on this side of town then!” Annie added since no one else was responding.

I just nodded my head and endured the rest of the fifteen minutes I was going to be on the tube. When we finally reached my stop-one before the Chelsea cliques- I said my goodbyes thankful to step onto the mainly vacant platform. In an encouraging moment as I walked along the street to my building the panic I had felt the two previous times I had made this journey was nowhere to be found. As I walked into my building, hit the two in the elevator, stepped into my hallway, and opened my door there was still no panic.

“Riley love!” I heard the soft voice of Marie her arms full of groceries. I smiled softly at her truly happy to be standing in front of her, just outside my flat with no fear in sight. “How are you doing? Oh it’s so good to see you.” As much as I have sort of made fun of her in my head she was becoming like a second mother to me over here. Her warmth and concern reminded me so much of my mother and was incredible welcome. “Hi Marie. I’m doing better. How about you?” I responded realizing she too was a victim. She just waved her hand and made a small noise. “Oh I am a tough one. Just glad you are back here and glad that man is going to prison.” Her somewhat sugary sweet voice only went sour when she said the word ‘man’ which somehow made me laugh.

Then something struck me: she didn’t know the whole story. “Did the police tell you anything else?” I pressed wondering if the information I had was available to others or if Kyle just was being courteous and kind. Marie looked justifiably confused given how vague my question was worded. “I don’t know what you mean love?” I looked inside my flat knowing I needed to step inside or close the door. “Can we talk in my flat if you aren’t too busy?” I moved toward my door Marie smiling and saying she just needed to put her groceries in her place real quick.

While I waited for her I put a kettle of water on the stove feeling like this was more of a tea conversation than a coffee one. Marie walked in after a few minutes and sat on my now right side up futon making the bad memories float away because now my futon was the one my sweet, motherly neighbor Marie came to sit on.

“Would you like some tea Marie?” I asked as my kettle was beginning its whistle signaling the arrival of warm liquid. “Sure dear.” I quickly prepared a cup of tea for her and joined her on the futon a few minutes later after I shut my door. I forced myself not to lock it hoping these small steps I was taking would help in my recovery. After I got settled and took a sip of my tea I told Marie that there was more to Emiliano Regales. “I don’t understand Riley. He was just a random thief. That’s what the police told Joseph and myself.” I knew it was Kyle being kind now and not divulging all of my personal information in one foul swoop, and really I was thankful for that.

I sighed knowing Marie deserved to hear this news. “Emiliano was not a random thief,” at that Marie gasped but I knew I had to keep going or I would become frozen, “he has been stalking me since I was 10. Apparently he was trying to change the tracking device he had in my bag and decided, to cover his tracks, he was going to attempt to look like he was robbing your’s and Joseph’s flats. He broke his restraining order against me,” I tried to explain all of the important parts. Once I finished Marie sat her cup of tea down on the floor in front of her-shoot I really needed to get a coffee table- and placed her hand in mine squeezing it tight.

“Oh Riley love that is terrible,” she sounded terrified and worried so I squeezed her hand back hoping to provide her with some comfort. “I just found out a couple weeks ago. It’s been very overwhelming.” The thing I was beginning to like the most about Marie is that she didn’t ask too many questions. Sitting here on the futon with our hot tea, she could have asked a million questions and I would have obliged but inner Riley was thankful she didn’t.

After a few hugs and one more cup of tea I let Marie out. Before she walked to her door she turned and pointed her finger to the ceiling making me look at first to make sure somebody or something wasn’t there. “Oh I forgot to tell you,” her finger came down with my heart rate following, “Peter, the landlord, wants to speak to you. He told me to tell you that if I saw you first.” I swallowed. Oh gosh he is kicking me out. I knew it was coming. I mean why wouldn’t it after what happened and how it was clearly my fault. “Riley he isn’t going to ask you to move out. He wants to make sure you are okay. We all were so worried about you.” Those motherly instincts kicked right in, or my terrified face gave it away. I nodded and told her I would go see him right away.

Once Marie was in her place I grabbed my keys and left my flat heading for the elevator. Even though I had been using the elevator ever since I moved here, I was not going anywhere near the stairs for awhile. I can still see the back of Emiliano heading through the door just to the right of the elevator. The elevator dinging open on the first floor brought me out of those terrifying thoughts. Once I reached Peter’s door I softly knocked feeling torn in that moment because as a girl who exists in the middle of most things in life I wasn’t sure if I wanted to talk to my landlord at the moment. I did want him to see that I was okay and give him that decency but I was so tired after talking to Marie that I really just wanted to crawl into my bed.

I wasn’t going to be climbing into my bed anytime soon since the door opened and Peter appeared. “Oh Riley please come in,” he said stepping aside and allowing me to move into his place. The area was tidier than I expected which made me wonder why I had expected it to be dirty or unkempt. Men are pigs floated into my brain making me smile at Marie’s words. Peter directed me to his couch and decided to sit opposite me in a rocking chair. “How are you doing? I am so sorry for what you had to go through.” I swallowed wondering if that meant he knew more than Marie, but why would Kyle tell my landlord and not the others? I smiled and repeated what I told Marie. “I’m doing better thank you for asking.”

I shifted a little on the somewhat uncomfortable leather couch. Might as well get it over with then. “What did the police tell you about Emiliano?” Peter made an almost identical face that Marie made just a half hour earlier. “I don’t follow you Riley.” I bit my bottom lip really wishing I wouldn’t have opened up this can of worms so to speak. “Did they just tell you Emiliano was going to prison?” I asked him hoping that this wasn’t the only thing they said and Peter would divulge every piece of information I had on the tip of my tongue. “Yes is there something else?” Peter’s answers met my ears making me visibly drop my expectant shoulders.

I told Peter the same information I told Marie and the gasp Peter made came right at the end. Except instead of grasping my hand like Marie did, Peter stood up and paced the room a bit. “I wanted to tell you this because I didn’t want you thinking this neighborhood was suddenly bad or anything. I am truly sorry,” I uttered wondering where this apology came from but it felt fitting.

“Why are you apologizing Riley?” Peter questioned returning to his seat but still clearly wanting to move. I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know in some ways I feel like it is my fault. If I wasn’t living here then he wouldn’t have come here and scared everybody. Plus I don’t want it to affect future renters,” I let my rambling fade out as I tried to explain away my apology. Peter just softly smiled at me. “No need to apologize Riley. I am more concerned about my residents at the moment than the business itself.” I nodded and stood up hoping this was a signal to him that I really wasn’t in the mood to conversate anymore. “Alright well thank you for the concern then,” I said awkwardly wondering what the correct words were to get out of the door.

Peter just nodded and walked me to the door. “Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you Riley,” he uttered as I reached the elevator. I nodded and thanked him again as the elevator doors opened. Moments later I was wrapped up in my comforter thankful for the silence of my room and drifting off just seconds after that thought.

The day Emiliano would be handed a sentence was the day before I was to leave for New York and the same day I had to work an 8-hour shift. In my mind this was either a really good thing or a really bad thing because work was either going to be a good distraction from the phone call I was due to receive from Kyle or it was going to take second place to the distraction of Emiliano’s sentencing news.

“Hey Rose are there any classifieds in the newspapers around here?” I asked her as we settled in for our shift. She turned to me showing complete confusion at my words. “What are classifieds?” I smiled and chuckled a little. “Oh um job listings?” I tried those words and she showed understanding this time around. “Oh, oh um not in the papers but I know some websites. Why? Are you thinking of leaving me here all alone!” she added dramatically. I full on laughed this time hearing the elevator ding for our floor. “No Rose just want to keep options open is all.” Truth be told I was looking for jobs that relate to writing since that was the whole reason I had come here in the first place and I didn’t know if that meant I would need to quit this job or not. All I knew was I needed to move on and quickly.

Ron was quiet when I sat with him at my break time. “So, I didn’t come running back to your place in hysterics!” I said excitedly and with a hint of sarcasm. He laughed at that taking a look at me over his book of the moment. “I’m glad you didn’t Riley.” I smiled wide at him showing I was glad too, really. “Today is the big day,” I continued fear falling over my features. Ron put his book down and looked at me with concern. “When are you due to find out?” he inquired as Sam arrived with a fresh cup of tea for Ron. I waited until he left before divulging this information. “A half hour before my shift ends.” Ron sighed and picked his book up looking back at the pages. “I’m sure it’ll all work out Rye bread.” I sighed hoping it would too.

As the end of my shift neared I finished my cleaning duties quickly wanting to get back to my locker and check my phone. Rose let me go ahead telling me she would finish up and I thanked her with an unexpected hug rushing toward our lockers. A voicemail from Kyle waited for me as I could hear my heart beating in my ears.

“Hello Riley. I wanted to let you know that Emiliano will be going away for five years as expected, but that he can get out a year early for good behavior which is expected. He hasn’t talked much since his confession so it is hard to tell what exactly he is thinking but I hope this gives you and your family some peace. I hope you enjoy your much needed time in New York. I will keep you informed if anything changes. Goodbye.” I held my phone to my chest and thanked whoever it was above for putting this man in prison. It was a little disheartening to hear that Emiliano was likely to get out in four years, but it was better than nothing.

This news helped me immensely. On my way back to Chelsea I sent Ron and my parents a quick text with the good news. My parents were the only one’s to respond telling me how glad they were and how excited they were to be seeing me tomorrow. After a quick shower and change of clothes I grabbed my suitcase and headed for the airport so thankful to be heading to my parent’s arms. However, as the plane lifted off and we soared above the sparkling lights of London a pang of homesickness was beginning.

Despite everything that had happened these past few months I actually was feeling homesick leaving London. The silver lining was getting brighter by the second and for that I felt thankful.



Jenna L Pratt

Author of "I Am Riley" and "Survivor" I 20-something Tweeter @JennaLPratt I English Teacher @mspratt16 I Lover of all things books and coffee