15 Practices of a Happy, Healthy Hundred-Year-Old

Jen McGahan
Portals Pub


Nine years ago I exchanged a handmade book for a hug.

It was at an art and craft fair/benefit in a corner booth set up with all my fiber art journal book covers and art dolls. I did not sell a thing that day (I clearly remember that), but I made a good trade. I learned from a “hug therapist” how to give a real hug. In return, I made a new friend named Jane, to whom I gave a journal she admired; embellished with beads, hand embroidery, and an Emily Dickinson quote.

The journal cover I made.

I was thinking of my friend Jane a couple of weeks ago. She was 91 when we met and I had not heard from her in five years. I wondered…

Sometime in my early 30’s I decided I wanted to live to be 100.

If all those people on the Today Show could achieve the Smuckers jar honor, with a waiting list to boot, it’s surely do-able.

As Willard Scott ticked off their longevity secrets — a diet of fruits and vegetables, daily gardening, Ponds Cold Cream, etc. — I made mental note and search my mind for the common thread. How hard could it be? Genes be damned. Although I know of exactly zero relatives…



Jen McGahan
Portals Pub

Curious mom, writer, & lymphatic massage therapist in Austin. “Lymph is everything.” Want more? Visit my website: www.lonestarlymphatic.com. Welcome in!