Tony Robbins is Now Suing the Tabloid BuzzFeed

Jennifer Connelly
2 min readNov 22, 2019


Tabloid journalists at BuzzFeed are fueling a cancel culture agenda, abusing their position as “journalists”, and spreading false and destructive narratives. Enough is enough. Tony Robbins is now suing BuzzFeed after their yearlong campaign attacking him personally, his businesses and charitable initiatives.

Mr. Robbins denies BuzzFeed’s latest allegations. Consistent with Mr. Robbins’ denial, the camp’s current and former owners and others present informed us that they recall the alleged 34-year-old incident and completely reject the accuracy of Buzzfeed’s account.

The conduct of BuzzFeed and its reporters is not journalism. The online tabloid has a clear record of manipulating events, memories and accounts to support its series of increasingly absurd and sensationalized claims that maliciously paint Mr. Robbins in a false light.

As one example, two women who were inaccurately labeled as “victims” by Buzzfeed, publicly came forward to correct and refute Buzzfeed’s grossly false reporting of Mr. Robbins. Further, more than two dozen witnesses issued sworn statements disputing the accuracy of BuzzFeed’s reporting and numerous people have called in reports of being harassed and pressured by Buzzfeed reporters to confirm false and inaccurate stories about Mr. Robbins.

Among many breaches of ethics, integrity and honesty, “journalists” at Buzzfeed selectively chose not to report critically salient facts, thus revealing their intention to smear Mr. Robbins. These individuals have tried to intimidate and interfere with Mr. Robbins’ business and philanthropic partners, including a direct attempt to obstruct Mr. Robbins’ long-time relationship with a charity from continuing his ongoing efforts to provide a billion meals to those who are without food.

Sadly,this behavior by Buzzfeed reporters is not new or unique to Mr. Robbins. Consider the charges in another pending lawsuit in which BuzzFeed’s Editor-in-Chief and one of their reporters who has worked on the articles pertaining to Mr. Robbins, are alleged to have, “purposely, consistently, with motive and agenda omit critical facts they were privy to before publishing the articles such that they knew they were not publishing the truth.” That lawsuit also charges BuzzFeed as an organization that “consistently ‘cherry picked’ and intentionally omitted evidence” that didn’t support their already-determined story.

Mr. Robbins refuses to allow this latest attack to distract him from helping and serving millions of people. As the legal action moves forward we are confident that the truth will prevail. Mr. Robbins will remain actively engaged and focused on continuing his decades-long commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

- Jennifer Connelly, spokeswoman for Tony Robbins

