13 Examples of The Best Copywriting Ads

Jenna Millen
6 min readSep 13, 2018


  1. Native Deodorant Landing Page

Native is taking the natural deodorant market by storm — and for good reason. For many, aluminum is an ingredient they’d like to avoid in their deodorant. While the data is inconclusive as to whether or not it truly causes cancer, sometimes it’s better to play it safe. And this is a no-brainer: Deodorant That Isn’t A Chemistry Experiment.

The copy is simple, clean, and straightforward. With free shipping and returns, you’re more likely to take a chance on ordering deodorant online. Just like the copy, Native’s website design is sleek, minimal, and easy to navigate.

2. Kellogg’s Pop-Tart Apology Ad

Kellogg’s actually ran out of Pop-Tarts in 1964 and this ad was their apology. A Kellogg’s spokesperson explained to The Huffington Post that, “In 1964, the first shipment of Pop-Tarts sold out in just two weeks.”

Kellogg’s doesn’t try to blame someone else or cover up what happened. The silly “Oops! We goofed!” coupled with the sweet, “Will you excuse us, please?” is honest and endearing.

Plus, they put a positive spin on the situation. They explained that they had “been improving this new product as we went along.” Kellogg’s reassures their customers that they’ll like the new and improved Pop-Tarts even better.

3. Everlane’s Transparent Pricing Infographic

Men’s Quilted Peacoat

If you haven’t heard of Everlane, you might be living under a rock. The clothing retailer’s motto is: Exceptional quality. Ethical factories. Radical Transparency. Everlane makes quality, sustainable clothing at a more reasonable price. In a market that’s been dominated by fast fashion, Everlane is a breath of fresh air.

For each product, they include an infographic, showing how much it actually cost to produce the item. The radical transparency comes into play here; they even show how much profit they make off of an individual item. The design is clear, crisp, and minimal, with a cool gray color scheme.

4. Hyposwiss Bank

I had a hard time picking just one ad to share. Hyposwiss has run a series of refreshingly honest ads that are hilarious. With quips like, “You give us your money. And we give it back to you,” and “Time is time. Money is money,” I would love to talk to the writers of these ads. It’s sarcastic, edgy, and definitely memorable.

5. Apple’s Think Different 1997 Campaign

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

This ad campaign might be one of Apple’s most famous ads. It ran after Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997. The ad copy was written by Rob Siltanen and Ken Segall. Jobs had wanted to use one of Robin Williams’ speeches from Dead Poet’s Society, which Siltanen and Segall used as inspiration.

The copy, combined with the black and white images, and the commercial, is powerful. It’s inspiring, bold, and thought-provoking. It portrays Apple as not just another computer company; it positions Apple as a world-changer.

Even though Apple had no new products, within a year of the “Think Different” campaign launch, Apple’s stock price tripled.

For more information on how the Think Different copy was written, check out this article by Rob Siltanen.

6. ConvertKit Landing Page

ConvertKit’s landing page appeals to its audience well. Connect with your audience? Yes, please. Make a living doing work you love? Heck yes!

The free trial tells me that I can try it out and see if I like it, without any pressure. The demo will show me how everything works.

The bottom line should be in a bigger font: Email marketing software the way it should be! This implies that it’s simple, easy to use, and the best option out there. With so many different options for email marketing software, I want to pick the best one.

This landing page is easy to navigate and has plenty of contrast in the colors and is aesthetically pleasing to boot. Definitely a winner!

7. Allbirds

The copy on this ad suggests adventure and thrills, with a shoe that can go anywhere. I especially love the last line: “Just cruising, schmoozing, and never-removing, for wherever you go.” It’s punchy, clever, and just a little bit corny.

8. Daihatsu

Daihatsu is a Japanese car company known for its off-road vehicles. It’s funny, clever, and a bit tongue-in-cheek. The line is easily translated into the visual ad as well, which is an added benefit.

9. Warby Parker’s History Page

I really enjoyed Warby Parker’s History page. It’s fun and light-hearted, while still educating the reader about how Warby Parker donates a pair of glasses to someone in need for every pair sold. Which is very cool indeed.

10. Sony Betamax

This is actually very forward thinking. It plays to our need for instant gratification and the major convenience of being able to record TV shows and watch them whenever we want. It’s interesting to me because this could be an ad for Netflix or another streaming service.

The alliteration of the three W’s is pleasing to both the ears and the eyes and it’s easy to say. Today’s font would definitely be sans serif, but I like the boldness of the letters and the size.

The last bit of the ad is a great selling point as well: “For years you’ve watched TV shows at the times you’ve had to. Now you can watch them at the times you want to.”

11. Citi

The situation presented in this ad is realistic and something I’ve thought of before. It shows that Citi understands that wealth means different things for different people. It displays a sense of humor without being too self-aware. This ad appeals to your average middle-class citizen without alienating any other party. It benefits from being oddly specific because it makes it that much more relatable, especially as the price of a movie ticket continues to rise.

12. Garage Hard Lemonade

This ad is lighthearted and the company clearly isn’t afraid to poke fun at itself. The ad looks like somebody scrawled out their idea in Sharpie, which adds to the casual vibe. It’s funny and a little absurd, which I think might be the whole point: the company doesn’t take itself too seriously.

13. Ricola

This is another great example of how to use humor in copywriting. It’s simple, with only a few words, but it’s eye-catching. Ricola made a series of these ads with examples of where a misplaced cough could ruin the meaning of a sentence. It’s funny, relatable, and short enough to remember.

That’s all I have for now, but I’ll be back soon with more articles on writing, creativity, self-management, and business. See you soon!

