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I Don’t Have To Throw Produce Away, Thanks to These Luxear Storage Containers

I had no idea that produce containers could make such a big difference.

Jenna Tidd
5 min readDec 7, 2023


Image courtesy of Luxear.

Have you ever opened the produce drawer in the fridge to grab a bag of salad mix, a bunch of celery, or a container of berries, only to find it’s become mushy, moldy, or some other type of disgusting matter?

(Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this.)

When this happens, I not only have to deal with the gross factor and the cleanup, but a wave of guilt washes over me for wasting money — again. Not to mention, if it’s my spinach that started to liquefy, I can’t have my precious green smoothie that does wonders for my energy during that 3:00 p.m. slump.

(And my dog happens to like green smoothies too, so it’s a bonding moment for us.)

Why can’t my produce stay fresh long enough for me to use it? Those special bags never particularly appealed to me, and I don’t like the idea of wasting more money experimenting with new products that may or may not work.

What’s a girl to do?



Jenna Tidd

Health/wellness content writer and copy editor with 10 years of healthcare experience. For professional content, contact me at jenna@truetothepen.com