Close to Home: The Murder of Deanna Cremin

The 17-year-old was killed just blocks from her house, and her killer has never been caught.

Jenn Baxter
14 min readMar 25, 2021


Deanna Cremin (Photo provided by

When Deanna Cremin left school on the afternoon of March 29, 1995, she had one goal in mind: shopping. She had celebrated her 17th birthday just three days earlier, and she had birthday money to spend. Her home in Somerville, MA was just a few miles away from Boston, so she decided to catch a bus into the city and browse through a few of her favorite stores.

Katherine Cremin, Deanna’s mother, worked in Boston. When Deanna finished her shopping, she met her mother as she was getting done work and they rode home together. Deanna didn’t remain at home long, however; she had plans to go over to her boyfriend’s house, located less than a mile from her own. Katherine reminded Deanna that she had a 10:00 pm curfew since it was a school night, and Deanna promised to be home on time. After telling her mother she loved her, Deanna left the house.

Deanna had been dating her boyfriend, 19-year-old Tommy LeBlanc, for about two years. They were opposites in some ways — Deanna was a talkative extrovert while Tommy was quieter and more of an introvert — but they seemed to have a good relationship and could often be found together. On this evening, they decided to stay inside and watch…



Jenn Baxter

Jenn is a lawyer-turned-author and true crime writer. She writes about missing persons, unsolved murders, and human rights. Her books are available on Amazon.