The Bizarre Disappearance of Lauren Thompson

She vanished after calling 911 to report that someone was chasing her through the woods.

Jenn Baxter
10 min readAug 5, 2021


Lauren Colvin Thompson (Photo credit:

When Lauren Colvin Thompson called her mother, Torie Colvin, on the afternoon of Thursday, January 10, 2019, it was clear that something was wrong. The 32-year-old wanted to speak with her children, but they weren’t home at the time. Lauren sounded as if she were somewhat distressed; she apologized to her mother for some of the decisions she had made in the past and asked her to tell her father that she loved him. As Torie tried to calm her daughter down, she could hear a man’s voice in the background. It sounded as if he and Lauren were arguing; Torie heard him tell Lauren that she didn’t need to be calling her children at that moment.

Lauren then made a chilling comment, telling her mother that if she managed to get out of the situation she was in, she was never going to do drugs again. Unsure what her daughter was talking about, Torie told her that if she thought she was in danger she needed to call the police. Lauren changed the subject, asking her mother to tell her kids that she loved them. She ended the call at 2:00 pm.

Less than 10 minutes after she hung up with her mother, Lauren placed a call to 911. She sounded absolutely petrified as she told the 911 operator…



Jenn Baxter

Jenn is a lawyer-turned-author and true crime writer. She writes about missing persons, unsolved murders, and human rights. Her books are available on Amazon.