The Mysterious Disappearance of Kyle Fleischmann

Jenn Baxter
10 min readDec 24, 2020

A young executive walked out of a bar one cold winter night and vanished, triggering a search that’s still going on more than a decade later.

Kyle Fleischmann (Photo provided by Help Find Kyle Fleischmann Facebook page)

Barbara Fleischmann hadn’t had much reason to celebrate in the days before November 8, 2007. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was a week away from having surgery for the first time. Looking for a way to lift his mother’s spirits, her son Kyle decided to treat her to a Dane Cook comedy show at a local arena. Kyle’s sister, Noelle, and his best friend, Dan Scagnelli, went as well. The comedy show was over around 10:00pm, and Barbara and her daughter headed straight home, while Kyle and Dan decided to meet up with some friends and have a few drinks.

It was a cold night in Charlotte, North Carolina, with the thermometer hovering just under the freezing mark. Barbara thanked Kyle for the fun evening out, then she and Noelle said a hasty goodbye as they climbed into the warmth of their car. Kyle called out that he would talk to his mother the following day, and then he followed Dan into the Buckhead Saloon. Located in uptown Charlotte, the bar attracted a relatively young clientele, and it was usually quite crowded. That Thursday night was no exception. Kyle split his time between hanging out with his friends and chatting with a girl he met at the bar. Because it was a work night, most of…



Jenn Baxter

Jenn is a lawyer-turned-author and true crime writer. She writes about missing persons, unsolved murders, and human rights. Her books are available on Amazon.