2 min readAug 7, 2023

Card: I forgive myself

Mantra: As I forgive myself, I leave behind all feelings of not being good enough, and I am free to love myself.

Forgiveness. For so long, I felt that I was very forgiving. I worked through forgiving things that I never thought I would be able to get past. I forgave easily and so freely after I understood and learned that forgiveness is not for the people I feel have wronged me; It is for ME.

ME. The person that I spent my childhood, young adulthood, and adulthood beating up. Treating myself poorly with my words, actions, thoughts, and sometimes deeds. I would have never considered treating a stranger how I learned to treat myself.

As I started looking inside, doing mirror work, and telling myself, “I am enough,” I began to see how I was treating myself. I started working through everything and forgave myself for each one. I am still finding things I can forgive myself for now. I don’t know if that will ever change; it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have that will help me filter my words, actions, thoughts, and deeds to allow myself forgiveness and Grace.

Grace is a word I love to strive towards these days as I learn to love myself deeper. I use Grace to allow myself to be childlike as I am. I use Grace to help me work through poor choices or failures.

As I have learned how to love myself, I have changed how I look at the world and the universe. I am confident in all that I do because with the love I have, comes trust. Because I trust myself, I can take the risks that usually lead me to live my best life, or I have found that the failures are for me to learn something, which is a stepping stone to living my best life.

The card used in the post is from Louise Hays Power thought cards:


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