My Beautifully Broken Story
15 min readDec 4, 2018


Clark and I had been dating for about eight months, and we loved spending time together, but we also enjoy doing our things and being with our own friends. It is one of many things I ended falling in love with Clark about. My parents decided to go on a long deserved vacation, but it was right at my exams, and there was no way I was going to miss my exams, Yes, I am a geek, lol!! So, my parents felt that I was old and responsible enough to stay home alone for the weekend and would leave me with emergency contacts if I had any problems. I was excited I was going to be alone on my own, no one nagging or being dragged to any family fun games. Woohoo, I was so excited. First, I called Amber to let her know, and then I called Clark. Clark and I agreed we should have a movie night just the two of us and it sounded perfect, and it was a plan.

It was Friday Morning the day my parents were leaving for their mini vacation. I was so excited as Clark, and I was going to have our movie night, tonight. So, I went down to see my parents as they were getting ready to leave and I had to get ready for school. They gave me my rules and regulations and their itinerary and numbers to call in case of an emergency. I gave them each a Big hug, and we all said our I love you and I watched them leave for the airport. I finished breakfast and got ready for school, and as usual, Clark was outside waiting to give me a drive to school.

“Good Morning Beautiful,” He always said now,

“Good Morning Handsome,” I said as I leaned in for my morning kiss.

The taste of his lips made me feel so loved and told me he had strawberries for breakfast.

“So what movie did you want to watch Bri tonight,” As he started the car.

“I don’t know, how about you surprise me,” I said as I smiled at him.

“Women they can never make a decision when asked,” he said with a chuckle.

I just rolled my eyes. As we arrived at school, Clark let me know he had practice at Lunchtime and would only see him after school. That was fine as it was exam week this was my last exam before the Summer holidays and I was more concentrating on that than anything else.

“Good Luck on your Exam Bri, I love you!” he grabbed me and pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately

once I caught my breath I replied, “I love you too.”

We only started telling each other that we loved one another three weeks ago, and we only said when we truly meant to say it.

“See you at 3 o’clock.” as he ran off to catch up with his friends.

I headed into the school when I heard someone calling my name.

“Brianna, Banana!” yes it was Amber.

“Good Morning Amber,” I said with a giggle.

“Are you ready for this exam?” with an anxious tone in her voice.

“As Ready as can be I suppose.” As I put my bag in my locker and got my stuff ready for the exam.

We headed toward the exam room and got our seat and waited to be directed to start.

The exams ended not being as hard as I expected. Now it was 3 o’clock, and I got my stuff and went and waited for Clark in the parking lot. There he was, and he had in his hands a dozen red roses.

“Oh! Clark, they are so beautiful!” I said feeling special

“Nothing but the most beautiful for my girl.” as he kissed my forehead

Like the gentleman that he was, he guided me to the car and opened the door for me. He made me so happy and appreciated, and I knew I was lucky more then I could even imagine. He drove me home, and we agree to have her movie night around 8, and he would come by just a little bit before to help me get the popcorn and movie all set up in the family room. Once I got into the house, I went and made sure the Family room was clean and of course as my mom had a tad of OCD it was clean. What to do now until he showed up I wondered. Just as I was going to go and read a book, the doorbell rang. I wondered who that could be, and of course, it was Amber, and she had gotten us a Pizza from our favorite Spot Joe’s Pizza.

“Hey what are you doing here?” I said surprise.

“Making sure you are fed Missy!” with a stern voice as she then broke out in laughter.

“You’re the best,” I Said.

“Well, of course, that is why I am your BEST friend.” We both started laughing

We ate pizza and talked, and she told me about this guy she had a crush on and how she had decided now she wanted to become a lawyer and we just did what best friends did. It was 7, and she knew I wanted to spend some alone time with Clark. We had never been intimate, and I was ready to go there with Clark, we talked about it, but he never pressured me. I wanted to cross that line tonight. I had not spoken to him about, and he was not aware that I wanted to go there, in case I chickened out. I wanted the time and moment to be right and special. So, I went upstairs and showered and shaved my legs and did what any 16-year-old girl did to prepare for her first time. The doorbell rang. I looked at the time it was 7:48 pm, headed downstairs to answer the door and there he was my handsome boyfriend.

“Hey Beautiful.” as he hugged me.

“Hey,” I replied. hugging him back and not letting go.

“Everything alright Bri?” he seemed concerned.

“Yes! Why?” as I kept hugging him.

“You’re hugging me pretty tight there I need to breathe.” He chuckles

As I let go of my grasp, I replied, “I just love you Clark and I feel just so safe in your arms is all.”

“Is everything ok Bri?” He asked.

“Couldn’t be better,” I replied.

“Did you have something to eat? Amber was here, and she brought some pizza there is some left.” as we walked toward the kitchen.

“You know me I don’t say no to pizza.” as he winks.

I watched him eat and getting the movie all set up for the movie; I couldn’t help lusting over him. Clark was what I saw as a young version of Chris Hemsworth, he was fit, muscular and he had a nice round ass. I could feel myself getting heated up so; I decided to get the popcorn popped and get our sodas poured and maybe cool off at the same time.

“all ready,” Clark shouted.

“I am almost done in here; I will be right in.” as I finished pouring the popcorn in a bowl.

I closed up and made my way to the Family room, and there he was sitting on the sofa waiting for me with a blanket because he knew I got cold quickly. So, I made my way to the couch and sat right next to him, and he put the blanket on me and his arm around me.

“You ready? I got a scary movie!” He laughed.

“You are a real jerk you know.” I replied giggling “You know I am a big chicken, how am I going to sleep tonight, and I am alone at home, Clark!” I whined.

Amused he looked at me “Maybe you won’t be sleeping alone tonight!” he winked.

“Aren’t we presumptuous,” as I got closer to him.

We started kissing, and it got heavy, and everything was tingling inside of me, it was getting hot, Clark took his shirt off, and that was it, I wanted to feel his naked chest on mine, I wanted to kiss his neck and his chest I wanted him so bad, I don’t know what came over me, but it took over me, and I didn’t care.

“Bri?” Clark said as he was just as wanting this as I did. “Are you sure?” with hopeful eyes he asked.

“Yes, Clark I am, I have never been so sure, I want you, I want to make love to you.” as I kissed him hard.

He ripped my blouse off, and kissed my neck down to my breast, and stopped and looked at me and said, “you are so beautiful.”

He brought his lips to mine, he undid my bra, and expose my naked breasts, my nipples were hard and tingling, I wanted him to kiss them and tease them with his tongue, and he did, he picked me up, and took me up to my room, both of us gazing at each other in lust for one another, as he rested me on my bed, he told me how much he loves me, and we passionately kissed again, this time I could feel him through his pants, I wanted him, and I was also a little scared, but the need to feel him inside of me, was stronger than the fear of the unknown. I looked at him, and told him I was ready, he took his pants off, and I felt him inside of me, and with every thrust, I was feeling pleasure. I don’t know if it was because I was ready or wanting him so badly, but it didn’t hurt it felt good, and I wanted more and more, the sensual and sexual feeling I was experiencing took me to another place, and then I felt like everything was spinning and we both experienced orgasms together and it was beautiful. Being in his arms and feeling a more profound connection now and hearing his fast heartbeat, I felt safe and loved, and I didn’t want to move, I wanted to stay in that moment in time forever.

“Wow!” Clark exclaimed himself.

“yes wow! is right!” I smiled.

“When are your parents going on their next trip!” he laughed

“Wrong question!” I replied

He looked at me unsure and puzzled. I smiled and gave him a vixen look.

“Your question should have been, when will your parents be back!” as I got on top of him and we made love again.

Clark stayed the night, after all, I did tire him out. It was nice to sleep between his arms. I felt safe and protected, and I knew that we had something special, our love was strong, and nothing was going to take that moment from me, but I was wrong. There was a loud knock at the door, and it scared me, and it woke Clark up.

“What the hell!” he looked at me half asleep.

“I don’t know Clark; someone is at the door!” I said unsurely.

“What time is it?” annoyed to be awakened.

“It’s from 02:12 AM.” I was nervous now.

Clark got up, he got his Jeans on and headed downstairs. I put on my Pyjama’s and robe and made my way downstairs too. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, there was Amber and Clark’s mom and two police officers. I was really confused. Did Clark’s mom call the police because Clark didn’t come home or…

“Brianna!” Clark said.

Something had to be wrong; he never used my whole name unless it was essential or serious.

“Honey, I am sorry, but we have some bad news to tell you.” Clark’s Mom said to me as she headed towards me.

“Ok!” I said just confused and scared.

“Mom let me tell her please!” Clark begged his mom.

“TELL ME WHAT!” I yelled.

“Bri there was an accident, your mom and dad’s plane crashed, and there were no survivors!” he had tears in his eyes, why it wasn’t his parents, that someone was telling him that they had died.

“Are you sure?” I asked looking at the officers.

“Yes Miss, we are sure, we are sorry for your lost.” as they left

I looked at Amber she was crying, and she knew I was breaking inside, they were all that I had, and now they were gone, just like that I was all alone now. The next few days were a blur to me. I was mostly numb, Clark stayed with me the whole time, he never left my side, and I was grateful for that because he was all I had left now. What was I going to do, where was I going to go? So many questions, and so many unanswered. Why was this happening to me, was it because I made love to Clark, and my parents would not have approved, and now I was being punished for it. I didn’t understand why this was happening to me; I was always a good girl, I followed the law, the rules, the regulations, why me what had I done to deserve this. It wasn’t fair. I looked around most of the town was there, and then some people I didn’t even know, must have been from my dad’s work. I wanted to get out of there so bad. I excused myself and went towards the bathroom when no one was looking I left from the back door. I walked around for a little; they headed to the school’s football field. This evening, the family lawyer was reading the will, and I could care less, I wanted my parents back nothing else, and I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Back at the funeral home.

Clark noticed I was gone. “Mom Where is Bri?”

“I don’t know Baby!” she looked around.

“Amber, have you seen Bri?” Clark asked.

“I thought she was with you?” She replied.

“She was, but then she went to the bathroom but never came back.” he was annoyed.

“That is Brianna for ya, she left Clark; she must have needed some air.” She looked at him.

“Why didn’t she just tell me, I would have gone with her,” he said

“Exactly, what she didn’t want, she needed to be alone bud, she just lost her parents, her whole world had come crashing down. Have you even talked to her about any of it, or just attended to her needs but not her mental ones?” as Amber turned rolling her eyes and left.

Amber knew just exactly where I would be, the one place I always went with my parents, the place I met Amber, and the place I first met Clark, at the Football bleachers.

“Hey, you!” Amber came along and sat beside me.

“There gone Amber and gone, forever, never coming back. What am I going to do?” as I sobbed.

Amber put her arms around me, “Brianna, one day at a time, I don’t know what your going through, but I can imagine, and it has to be hell, remember you have me, you have Clark, he’s a stupid boy, but that foolish boy loves you, and will be there for you too.

I looked at her and confessed, “we did it, Clark and I!”

She laughed! “Really! Him coming downstairs in only his pants, and you in Pyjama’s was a giveaway!”

“But!” I said lost.

“It wasn’t the right time to ask Brianna!” she said looking sad.

“You are right!” as I looked down

“What the Hell Bri, you fucking scared me, what were you thinking,” he yelled at me

“Woahhh, Romeo!! Back off, you don’t need to be coming at her that strong, so back off.” Amber told him as she pushed him back.

“Your right, I am sorry Bri, I was concern.?” his voice was shaking.

“Clark, I am as ok as can be, under the circumstances. as I went to him to be in his arms.

“I don’t want to lose you, I was afraid, that you had left, and would never come back!” he said with tears rolling off his chin.

“You are not going to lose me, Clark, you have been one of my rocks, and a reason I wake up in the morning.” as we kissed.

“Ok that is my cue, Brianna call me when you’re ready, ok!” she hugged me and left.

Clark and I talked, he asked how I was truly feeling, and I told him, and I shared my fears and my worries, and he assured me that together, and after the reading of the will tonight, we would have a better understanding, and then a plan to figure out everything.

The Will was red, and I was financially taken care of, my dad’s boss, his best friend, was the executor, and he took care of it all. He wanted me to move in with him, and his family, but I didn’t want to move to the city, and leave everything I knew behind. So, Clark had talked to his parents, and they agreed they would take me in, so I could finish school with my friends, and also, because, it would have been what my parents would have had wanted, and it didn’t hurt that their son probably begged them. After a few weeks, long weeks, I move into Mr. and Mrs. Porter’s home. Mr. Porter was a reserved and firm man, but he was a brilliant Lawyer, and he had a 97% winning average at his law firm. Mrs. Porter was an exceptional OBGYN, and there was a waiting list to see her. She was kind loving and did ANYTHING for her son, Clark was a Mama’s boy no question there. They lived in this beautiful home; it had 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a pool, a gym, and even a tennis court. They had their staff too, maids and a cook. I knew Clark was spoiled, but I didn’t think he was this spoiled, and yet he was humble about it, and there I was looking at him again under a new light. And he looked pretty good if you asked me. His parents had an event the evening I moved in, it marked 4 weeks since my parents had passed, and the day I first made Love to Clark. Once his parents left, I felt frisky, and went to see Clark, he was in his shower, and so I took my clothes off and joined him.

“Hey, handsome mind if I joined you?” I asked him

Surprised, and staring at my naked body, he said, “ If you are sure”, I nodded yes, “then get that sexy body in here.” as he grabbed both my wrist, and pulled me onto his naked body, it wasn’t long I could feel his hardness pushing against me, he turned me around, grabbed my breast as he nibbled on my earlobes, with his fingers he played with my nipples making them hard. He bent me over, and entered me, thrusting himself harder and harder, and every time I moaned out loudly of pleasure, and I asked for more until we both had an orgasm, he held me for a few minutes, and then he started soaping my body. It gave me goosebumps, on every inch of my body that he touched, he rinsed me off, and rinsed himself as well, he picked me up, and threw me onto his bed, and had his way with me again. I loved every minute of it. The Sexual hunger between Clark and me was strong and powerful, and we both loved it. I left Clark while he was sleeping, going unpack, and set myself up in my room. It was huge; you could say it was like my own apartment. I had my own walking closet, and an ensuite bathroom and a queenside bedroom suite. It was gorgeous. So, I unpacked and got myself settled, and got my pajama’s on and went downstairs to grab something to eat, and there was my handsome boyfriend, scarfing some hotdogs.

“Hey, beautiful!” He said as I was coming into the kitchen.

“Hey, handsome!” I went over and kissed him.

He pulled me onto his lap, “hungry?”

“Starving actually!” as I kissed his lips

“Want some Hot Dogs?” he asked

“That sounds good, but I can make my own, but thank you, Clark.”

“No, I want to do that for you; you have done so much for me tonight.” He winked

I blushed, “Clark, I loved every minute of it.”

He kissed me, “2 Hot dogs coming up.”

I munched on some chips while I was waiting for my hot dogs, went to the fridge to get something to drink, and then it happened, I got dizzy, and the smell of the hot dogs got me nauseous. I went running to the bathroom, but everything was spinning, and I passed out.

I woke up, and I was in the living room sofa, and Mrs. Porter had a cold cloth on my head.

“what happened,” I asked.

“You fainted dear!” she said smiling.

“Ok, I am so sorry.”

“don’t be dear, but I got to ask, how long have you and Clark been intimate for?” She was still smiling.

I was uncomfortable, and I didn’t know what to say, but I answered her, “four weeks.”

“Ok, I am, probably right about this, I think you may be pregnant, Brianna!”

What was she talking about? Oh my god, what if, I was late, oh no!

She handed me a pregnancy test and told me to go do it.

I was shaking, scared, where was Clark. Then I saw him, his face was red, he seemed mad, and at me, at that, of everything to be happening to me, and at this time!

To be Continued…

Come back in a few days for more.

My Beautifully Broken Story

Single mom, been through many obstacles, more than I’d like to have. I am the survivor of Domestic abuse and I am going to share my story with you all!!