
Does My Husband Love Me More Since I Lost Weight?

When We Change, Our Environment Changes As Well

Jennifer Barrios Tettay
5 min readSep 24, 2022
photo of the face of a laying woman, about to receive a kiss from the man above her
created with canva

What lessons did you learn this past year — how have you grown and improved?

A little over a year ago, I made a decision that was to change the rest of my life from the ground up.

At that time, I weighed almost 84 kilos at a height of 1.58 meters.

Not only did I suffer from start-up pain and shortness of breath, but I was also malnourished, which was particularly evident in my blood values at the time.

As a result, I was constantly tired, lacked energy, and sometimes had headaches or other ailments.

My husband was in South America for his sister’s wedding when I seriously attempted to lose weight for the first time in my life.

I always thought losing weight was terribly difficult,

if not impossible for someone like me. Besides, at that time, I had already been married for over 12 years and had little ambition to change anything about my situation.

After all, it’s the inner values that count, right?

“Clothes Make the Man”

photo of a couple dancing tango
Photo by Preillumination SeTh on Unsplash

“Clothes make the man.” This old wisdom can be interpreted in very different ways.

  • On the one hand, we humans are usually superficial and quickly judge according to the outward appearance of another person.
  • On the other hand, we can also notice changes in our own being if we make a little effort with our outer appearance.

Losing weight is almost always associated with a fundamental change in diet as well as our general lifestyle.

Although nutrition influences our weight for the most part, at the latest, when we enter the lower BMI range, the everyday activity becomes more and more critical.

When it “clicked” for me, I started by not eating after 7 pm. Gradually, the times shifted until I ended up fasting from 5 p.m. to 9 a.m. — every day.

I also took the opportunity to repaint our apartment. I wanted to surprise my husband when he came back. And so it happened that I lost 6 kilograms in the first 3 weeks.

What a motivation!

In the end, it became almost 30 kilos within 8 months. In April this year, I finished my calorie deficit with a BMI of 21~22 / 53–55 kilograms.

Suddenly It Was Like in the Old Days

photo of a couple about to kiss in the middle of a busy street while it’s raining; the man holds an orange umbrella
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

My husband finally came back from South America. At that time, I had 6 kilograms less.

He behaved extremely affectionately and was very attentive.

However, this was to be expected when you were separated as a couple for more than 3 weeks. I anticipated falling back into the daily routine in a few weeks at the latest.

Anyway, I continued my weight loss.

The constant recording of calories and nutritional values, the daily weighing as well as the regular exercise required some discipline. And disciplined behavior is actually very uncharacteristic of me.

By the time winter rolled around and my 39th birthday was approaching, I was able to wear size M.


Incredible was this transformation for my family as well. My middle sister even felt inspired by it and started losing weight as well, which made me not only proud but actually really happy. After all, by now, I was aware of the extent to which weight is responsible for our well-being and health.

The last kilos were the most difficult,

but eventually, they also disappeared. And when I was finally able to show some skin again in the spring, the other people in the village could hardly believe it.

By now I stopped counting the number of times I was asked how I had managed to do that.

My husband’s behavior towards me has since then remained on “spring fever.” It surprised me.

I thought that once we started seeing each other every day again, everyday life would kick in again, and the whole thing would cool down a bit.

But no. We understand each other better than ever before.

Should I Feel Happy About That?

photo of a couple in love
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

In fact, I had mixed feelings about my husband’s behavior.

Had I been mistaken about him? Was he that superficial after all?

I was very happy on one side, because of course I love my husband. And let’s be honest — who wouldn’t want to experience a second spring?

And yet doubts remained.

Does he really love me? Or does he just love having a slim woman at his side?

Now I had a long time to think about it in detail. But I can’t deny that not only my weight has changed, but also my general satisfaction with myself and my body.

I went to the hairdresser in the spring for the first time in years. I also got to fill my entire closet because nothing fit anymore.

I wore skirts, dresses, and bikinis again. And even belly-free tops! If someone had predicted this to me a year ago, I would have laughed at them. Seriously.

I finally feel beautiful again after more than a decade

— and sexy!

And it would probably be nonsense to think that all these emotions had merely changed my appearance.

I think I am now a little more like I was when my husband and I first met. So maybe it had to come to this.

This was my 24th contribution to the 30-Day Writing Challenge by Nancy Blackman in Refresh the Soul. Thank you, Nancy!

