
How to Overcome Negative Thinking and Start Appreciating Life Again

In 10 Simple Steps

Jennifer Barrios Tettay
7 min readSep 15, 2022
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“What do you appreciate most about your life right now? Why?”

I’ve dealt with this question already a few times during my short time on Medium. For example, just the day before yesterday as part of the Shortform September Challenge.

But why is it actually so important to learn to appreciate our lives?

Appreciation brings peace. Peace comes from appreciating life and knowing that you are safe. You’re protected. You’re cared for. You’re loved. You’re accepted. You’re happy. You’re free. You’re at peace. 🤍

And how do we learn to be grateful and appreciate the little things in life?

This is the question I am addressing today, and I am going to explain my thoughts in 10 simple steps.

1. Stop Thinking About What Could Go Wrong

illustration of 2 boys, one with rainy clouds over his head, the other with spouts and sunshine.
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When we predict one disaster after another and any of it comes true, we feel it is confirmed.

😔 “I knew it, nothing good ever happens to me!”
😔 “Never do I get lucky….”

Do these thoughts sound familiar?

Pay attention to the choice of words.

Both sentences mention definitive expressions like “never” or “nothing/ever”. However, in this situation, we are only talking about one single setback.

Of course, things can always go wrong. But our motto should be: “Fix the crown and move on!”

2. Don’t Worry About Things You Cannot Control

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At this point, I would like to quote the Serenity Prayer:

“God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.”

This verse is amazing!

Because it instructs us on how to design our lives in accordance with our available options.

Additionally, it indicates that some circumstances are just beyond our control. We must learn to accept them rather than feel hopeless about them.

If we can accomplish that, we can focus our efforts on the variables we actually can control. And this way, we achieve maximum efficiency — in every aspect of life!

3. Be Grateful for Everything You Have

illustration of a woman and a man, bowing to each other, and a laughing heart in the center
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We often take the simple things in life for granted. But they are not!

While I was in Colombia, I realized how comfortable and convenient we actually live in Germany.

✨ I’ve never had to share a rolling washing machine with the whole neighborhood.
✨ Insulated floors are a given to us.
✨ I can use my mobile phone in the middle of the street without a thief suddenly snatching it out of my hand.
✨ I have always had enough to eat in my life.

Just to name a few examples.

Already out of respect for our fellow human beings, who do not have the privilege of having been born in one of the wealthier countries, we should be grateful for these little things.

4. Focus on the Positive Aspects of Life

illustration of a woman embracing herself with love
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Unfortunately, we humans tend to weigh the negative things in life much heavier than the good things that happen to us.

For this reason, we should help ourselves a little by consciously remembering these good things.

This reminds us that life also has beautiful sides to offer and gives us the strength to continue and move forward.

5. Remember That You Are Not Alone

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Of course, it frustrates and saddens us when our first choice of human contact, such as family or friends, turns out to be disappointing.

It’s not always out of disinterest.

Often, our loved ones are simply overwhelmed. Not everyone has a deep sense of empathy by nature, and not everyone always finds the right words.

And yet, finding someone to talk to has never been easier.

Especially in the age of the Internet, we can find online communities for almost every problem in our life. They can listen to us, understand us, and maybe even help us.

Apart from that, there are still the classic options, such as the helpline.

If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask for it.

That’s what help is for!

6. Learn How To Forgive Yourself

illustration of a girl embracing her mirror image
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🖤 We are all human beings.
🖤 We all make mistakes.
🖤 We are all perfectly imperfect.

Sometimes we make our mistakes deliberately, other times by accident. But even when we act against our better judgment, there is usually a reason for it.

When would a person act out of pure malice alone?

Especially when remorse shows up afterward, it proves that there is more than a “bad intention” behind the action.

Be the first person to forgive yourself.

Because you are the number one person in your life.

Your opinion about yourself weighs the most!

7. Get Rid of Negative People

illustration of a man sitting in a white chair with a worried face while fingers point at him, blaming him
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Our priority should always be ourselves.

Negative people drag us down with them — this is how human nature usually works and it takes a lot of strength to live with this negativity without being influenced by it.

There are various reasons why a person lives on pessimism. But there is one thing that almost all pessimists have in common:

They must actually want to put themselves out of their misery using their own effort so that they can feel better.

You may simply not want to leave such a person alone. Perhaps you even have a guilty conscience when you think about leaving them?

People who live in constant negativity often do so because they themselves have mental health issues.

These people are not at fault for this.

But unfortunately, they — consciously or unconsciously — tend often to manipulate behaviors such as emotional blackmail or gaslighting.

Therefore, be attentive, protect yourself from being manipulated, and, if necessary, keep your distance — for the sake of your own health.

8. Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep

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Stress, everyday worries, as well as physical and mental exhaustion, typically characterize our days. The body cuts back its operations while we sleep. It bounces back from the events of the day before.

Therefore, it is very important that we allow our body and mind a sufficient amount of sleep.

How to get some well-deserved sleep + a guide to power napping you can find in one of my previous articles:

👉 What Is One Small Change That I Could Make in My Life Today?

9. Eat Right

illustration of a smiling girl eating salad and having a glass of milk
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We keep reading about it, and yet we often don’t put it into practice. Especially in the case of sugar, it happens again and again that we fall back on it against our better judgment.

This is because sugar is addictive.

Sugar only gives us a short boost of energy, which then collapses again soon afterward. This is followed by fatigue and sluggishness.

  • To stay full for a longer time period, we need to pay particular attention to proteins. These are found not only in dairy products but also in meat, fish, and eggs.
  • Vegans, on the other hand, can alternatively resort to tofu, chickpeas, beans, nuts, lentils, and many other foods.

Especially regarding our global situation, vegan options would also be alternatives for non-vegans.

It’s also very important to drink enough water!

Best you have always a glass or bottle of water available.

If your diet is balanced and your body is supplied with enough liquid, you will notice this in your ability to concentrate, your general performance, and your well-being.

That’s a promise!

10. Exercise Regularly

illustration of a woman exercising and motivational phrases such as “Time to work out!”, “Beast Mode”, “Stay Strong”.
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Exercise not only helps us stay in shape but also provides plenty of happiness!

Activity alone releases endorphins.

But the feeling of having accomplished something can also give us a lasting sense of satisfaction and happiness.

Some people especially enjoy contact with like-minded people. But even if you prefer to work out on your own, you’ll take away plenty of benefits from doing so that will pave the way to a happier self.

Recently, Riley wrote an article about the different forms of exercising and how extroverts in particular differ from introverts in this regard.

Let’s Summarize It!

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  1. Stop Thinking About What Could Go Wrong
  2. Don’t Worry About Things You Cannot Control
  3. Be Grateful for Everything You Have
  4. Focus on the Positive Aspects of Life
  5. Remember That You Are Not Alone
  6. Learn How To Forgive Yourself
  7. Get Rid of Negative People
  8. Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep
  9. Eat Right
  10. Exercise Regularly

💬 What do you think you could immediately put into practice for yourself?

💬 What would be your personal secret tip to a happier self?

Share it in the comments!

This was my 15th contribution to the 30-Day Writing Challenge by Nancy Blackman in Refresh the Soul. Thank you, Nancy!

