Press Release — LA Zoo

Jennifer Yin
2 min readOct 26, 2023
Here is the original layout for the press release. Medium will not allow for centered text so I uploaded an image for you to compare.

Press Release

For Immediate Release Only

Los Angeles Zoo


Phone: (323) 644–4200

Los Angeles Zoo Lowers the American Flag at Half Mast for Hubert and Kalisa

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Oct 25, 2023 — Los Angeles Zoo said their final farewells to Hubert and Kalisa, two 21-year-old lions that graced zoo-goers with their presence for six memorable years.

Zoo officials made the difficult determination to humanely euthanize the lions, today due to declining health and age-related illnesses which severely compromised their quality of life.

CEO and Zoo Director Denise Verret commends the zoo’s animal care and veterinary staff for going above and beyond in caring for the lions, who lived well beyond the life expectancy that they would have in other human care or in the wild.

The zoo’s website released a statement stating that Hubert was born on Feb. 7, 1999, at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago where he fathered 10 cubs over his lifetime. Kalisa was born on Dec. 26, 1998, at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, where the two first became a bonded pair.

The couple was considered elderly when they first arrived at the LA Zoo in 2014. However, the two quickly became crowd favorites among guests and staff for their affection and loyal companionship towards one another.

“It was often said, you don’t see Kalisa without Hubert being close by. So, while it is truly heart-wrenching that we had to say goodbye to this iconic pair, we can take comfort in knowing they left together,” Verret said.

To honor the memory of Hubert and Kalisa, the LA Zoo is inviting visitors to share their favorite memories of the beloved lovebirds either at the zoo or by tagging them on social media.

About the Los Angeles Zoo

The Los Angeles Zoo, which opened in 1898, is the oldest zoo in the United States. It spans across 368 acres and is home to over 2,838 animals, representing more than 300 unique species. The zoo attracts over a million visitors every year.



Jennifer Yin

Freelance student journalist and photojournalist. San Jose, CA based.