How can I learn to enjoy reading and writing in Chinese?

Jennifer Baccanello
4 min readJun 15, 2024

I get asked this question a lot. My response is, reading and writing Chinese should be treated as a pleasure, not a burden. If that is not the case for you, my advice is to persist. Find the types of writing that you like. Think of it like finding your favorite type of food. At first, you might not enjoy everything you taste, and some dishes might seem unappealing or bland. But if you keep trying different cuisines and flavors, you’ll eventually discover something that delights your palate. Similarly, with persistence, you’ll uncover genres, authors, and writing styles that resonate with you.

I received this advice from a Chinese friend, Alice, when I had reached an intermediate level of Chinese. Just when I thought “This is too difficult,” her words showed me that achieving great things does not come easy. It requires persistence and the ability to think creatively. Just as the Chinese idiom teaches us “滴水穿石”, even the smallest efforts, made consistently, can lead to significant accomplishments over time.

Statistics show that students who actively engage with materials they enjoy are more likely to retain information. Moreover, they also develop a deeper understanding. Therefore, finding the genres, authors, and writing styles that resonate with you is crucial. This approach can transform reading and writing from a task into a pleasure.

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash



Jennifer Baccanello

I am Jennifer Baccanello, a commercial lawyer in Hong Kong. I write about the Chinese language and the intersection between law.