Yury Mosha

Jennifer Katsov
5 min readJul 23, 2020


Yury Mosha: the creative path, life, and family.

Yury Mosha


Yury Igorevich Mosha — an entrepreneur, who has dedicated his life’s work to helping immigrants adapt after moving to a different country. He is the owner of the project with the telling name “Second Passport” and is the head of the consulting company, “Russian America”.

Childhood and Family Life

Yury Mosha’s life began on Black Sea city of Novorossiysk. Here he was born on December 17th, 1975 into a simple Soviet family. Both of his parents are graduates of the Rostov Railway Institute. His father made a career at a local carriage plant — starting as an ordinary foreman and then rose to the director’s chair. His mother, a native of Kazakhstan, worked on the executive committee. In the family, they also raised their youngest son, Sergei.

He went to School №2, had a penchant for the humanities and natural sciences, and especially history and geography. After graduating from the “nine-year”, Yury was admitted into the lyceum at the local nautical academy, but before the semester ended, he returned to the familiar walls of his native school.

Yury received his first business lessons at the young age of 12. Since Novorossiysk is a port city, young men often communicated with sailors who would tell them interesting stories and would sell them small coins that they had leftover which they gathered from other countries. He could have had an impressive collection, but Mosha preferred to sell trophies to numismatists.

By the end of 1991, Yury visited Poland for the first time on a school trip and realized what real trade is. It was then and there that he decided to connect his own life with trading activities.


After graduating from school in 1993, Yury Mosha attended the Kuban Technological University, more precisely, the branch in Novorossiysk. He received his diploma in 1998.

Pictured: Mosha (right).

Business Career

Already in his first year in university, Yury became a journalist for the city TV channel “New Russia”. A year later, with like-minded people, he contributed to the creation of the first satellite TV channel in the region, TV-6 Moscow, and he became the creator and editor-in-chief of the first free newspaper in Novorossiysk.

In 1995, in parallel with his work on TV, Yury opened an advertising agency called “Propaganda Publicity” — also the first in his hometown. By 2001, when Mosha left the head position, the organization became the leader among the Kuban advertising holdings. Propaganda Publicity included a dozen businesses, including a TV channel, radio station, printing house, a number of print media and even a modeling agency.

In 2002, Mosha became the head of the Novorossiysk branch of Video International, an advertising company collaborating with federal TV channels in Russia.

The young entrepreneur tried to challenge himself in other areas. For example, in 2007 he founded the construction company Investment Fund of Kuban, which until 2011 was successfully engaged in the construction of low-rise housing in Novorossiysk.

With the creation of the company, Mosha simultaneously took up the head position of the investment development department in the mayor’s office of Novorossiysk, where he was personally invited by the mayor of the city, Vladimir Sinyagovsky. Yury worked for several months in this position, and after leaving he continued to work in business, and also took up human rights work.


In the early 2010s, the growth of this young entrepreneur attracted the attention of competitors, and then, at their behest, of local authorities. A criminal case was fabricated against Yury. Realizing that the case could end in disaster, Mosha decided to immigrate.

He obtained a valid US visa, so it did not take long for him to decide where his new place of residence would be. Mosha moved to New York, where he rented an apartment with his remaining savings where, by a lucky coincidence, it belonged to a close friend of his fathers. Realizing that here he, an immigrant, would not be offered a managerial position on the fly, Yury got a job as a sales manager at the Courier publication, and then went on to work for the Russian-language radio company, Davidson.

Yury was on his own and he knew it was up to him to independently find answers to vital questions such as: how can an immigrant rent an apartment, buy a car, open a bank account? How many of his other compatriots faced the same problems? Reflecting on this, Yury Mosha decided to share his experience. This is how the Russian America company was born, which has time and time again dedicated helping Russians move to the USA.

“Russian America”

Now, “Russian America” is a group of companies that provide comprehensive support to the citizens of Russia and the CIS countries who decided to move to the United States: how to immigrate, open your own business, get a grant for training, find a job, and buy real estate.

The company is managed from the head office in New York, however there are 30 branches in the CIS. In addition to helping with visas and solving everyday issues, Russian America cooperates with investors, participates in adaptation programs for immigrants, provides services for the delivery of goods and helps with the import of cars.

The creator of Russian America maintains maintains a video blog on YouTube, where you can learn important moments and entertaining details about life in America, as well as future plans for various startups.

Mosha and his colleague standing in front of “Second Passport” logo.

“Second Passport”

Yury Mosha’s second project is “Second Passport”, or in Russian, “Vtoroipasport”. This is a logical continuation of “Russian America”, which expanded the sphere of interest to 50 countries in the world. In fact, this is an electronic encyclopedia of an immigrant, which contains constantly updated information about moving, working and studying abroad. The staff of “Second Passport” completely “lead” the move — from filing all of the necessary documents to adaptation in the new country.

Second Passport cooperates with over 150 lawyers specializing in immigration issues, and this number is constantly growing. Each client has their own agent who closely monitors the individuals process, regularly checking how they are doing.

At the moment, “Second Passport” primarily focuses on working with Russian-speaking clients, but in the future, they plan on expanding to work with Spanish-speaking and Chinese-speaking countries. In the foreseeable future, Yury Mosha sees “Second Passport” as an international holding company that also deals with real estate and business.

Yury with his wife, Irina, and kids.

Personal Life

Yury’s first wife and their two children are living in Russia. He met his second wife, Irina, in the USA. She is a native of Stavropol, but has lived in America for over 10 years, received an American citizenship, received a master’s degree, and is currently running a modeling agency. The couple are raising their daughters, Sophia and Nicole.

