Jennifer Lowe
2 min readNov 30, 2018


I’ve actually dated a lot more extroverted men than introverted. One thing I noticed with extroverted men (or maybe just “normal” / “average” men) is that the breakup process is a lot more drawn out. They want to talk about it. They waffle about it. You experience weeks, months of clearly recurring issues. When it’s over, the relationship was dead a long time ago. And after you break up, inevitably they reach out again to say hi. In fact, the chances of getting back together are pretty high. Their strength of will isn’t as strong to resist reaching out, and they’re wired more to value or seek out relationships.

In interacting and dating the smart introverted man type, I noticed that they tend to decide on their own if the relationship is viable or not. They don’t really talk about it with you. There isn’t necessarily a clear issue you can point to that shows you’re incompatible. There’s a finality to their thinking, and it’s one-way. They’re unlikely to ever reach out again, I think because, well, logically speaking there’s no reason to. Also, it’s an emotional land mine. Too messy for them. Simple social/emotional situations are bad enough, let alone complex, murky situations like an ex. And, given that a lot of them do have very engaging work lives and probably value their work more than relationships, I don’t think it’s as natural for them to try to seek out relationships, let alone maintain one with an ex.

As for if the relationship has two introverted people… I would call myself an introvert, and probably a smart introverted woman at that. But I’m also a little ambiverted. When I’m with extroverts, I play the introvert role more, and with introverts I might play the extrovert role more. I suspect one would see similar dynamics in other relationships.

