GPS Vs. Google Maps — Which One Should You Choose

Jennifer Miller
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


Is GPS different from mobile map apps like Google Maps? It is a question you ask when you consider buying a car tracking device. Now, just because you have access to Google Maps does not mean you can rule out the need for such a device because the two are entirely different.

GPS is akin to a radio that listens to satellites in space and determines a location. Map apps, on the other hand, are software programs providing the layout of a map to help you navigate your way around a specific location. So, the only thing common between the two is one word — location.


The common word between GPS and mobile map apps is the same thing that makes them interdependent. One will not be able to do its job without the other. Think about it — will you be able to navigate if you do not have your current location? What will you do if you have your location but nothing else to help you navigate around?

About GPS

GPS or Global Positioning System is a satellite-based navigation system that gives you the location and time-related information anywhere on Earth. As long as four or more GPS satellites have an unobstructed line of sight on the GPS device, you can use this technology.

The US Department of Defense operates GPS, which is available to anyone with a GPS receiver.

About Google Maps

Google Maps is the most widely used map app for one obvious reason — it is from Google. It is a web mapping service available in the form of a software application developed by Google that provides in-depth information about geographical sites and regions around the world.

Apart from conventional maps of roads, Google Maps gives you aerial and satellite views of many places. In some cities, Google Maps provides street views comprising photographs captured from vehicles.

Both are Useful

Indeed, both GPS and map apps are useful for navigation and can help you when you find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place. GPS is often the first choice for outdoor activities, such as hiking and driving, because it does not need an internet connection to work.

Google Maps is popular among people for urban navigation and can provide real-time traffic updates and alternative routes. It can show speed on the screen because it gets the value from the inbuilt GPS.

Google Maps can even help its users find businesses and points of interest, but ultimately, the choice of what to use depends on the user’s specific requirements and preferences.

Which One is Better

A few differences separate GPS from a phone and vice versa. These differences make one better than the other during certain circumstances.

For starters, GPS is a navigation system that utilizes a satellite connection to provide location and time information in all weather conditions anywhere on the Earth’s surface or near it. GPS receivers, such as the ones found in smartphones and standalone GPS devices, use this data to determine the exact location.

Phones are devices designed primarily for communication, but also have other features, such as a camera, music player, and GPS. Phone GPS functionality is typically similar to that of a standalone GPS device and is equally accurate and even more reliable.

A phone with a built-in GPS is much more capable of finding your location than a standalone GPS. It can also find its location in other ways, such as using Wi-Fi, cellular, and Bluetooth radios to get a fairly accurate location fix, even if the GPS is unusable.

The only thing that comes close to phone GPS is a car GPS tracker that you can plug in to the OBD-II port. In reality, such a device can surpass phone GPS as it will not just give you GPS data but a lot more in terms of vehicle health data, maintenance alerts, speeding alerts, harsh braking alerts, sharp cornering alerts, fuel economy, driver scoring, geofencing, etc.

The Verdict

Does the information provided above answer your question? It just boils down to the differences between the two technologies. Both of these are used on a mobile device to help you find where you are and a way to navigate anywhere or get directions regardless of where you are in the world.



Jennifer Miller

Jennifer is driven by her passion for sharing knowledge through her unique, and informative piece of content. She is on a mission to empower the world.