The Truth About Darkness and Light, and its Relationship to Evil

Jennifer Ping (Modern Mystic)
5 min readMar 6, 2018


There is a serious distortion on what is perceived as darkness, light and evil itself.

We live in a society where evil disguises itself by light, darkness is suppressed and often easily manipulated by evil, and light demands absolute obedience which tips the balance between light and darkness itself.

Like the Yin and the Yang, both light and darkness exist within one and the other. Losing touch of the balance one way or the other causes a distortion and the opportunity for evil to arise. In the natural order, light needs darkness to maintain orderly balance.

What is evil then?

The intention to manipulate, amplify, overpower, and spread of fear, despair, and hopelessness. It’s goal is to leave he human spirit in perpetual darkness and snuffing away any trace of love, warmth, and hope.

Pause for a moment and pretend all you’ve heard in the past about light, darkness and evil. Remove all judgements and consider the above definition of evil.

Evil amplifies the darkness when we suppress, avoid, or detach from our own darkness. It slowly takes over and amplifies it and we become uncontrollable in our own thoughts and actions due to the inability to acknowledge it. The more we run from it the stronger it becomes and less control we have over how it affects us. Emotions, feelings, and thoughts become consumed by these forces when triggered and because there is no balancing force to counter the darkness, we slowly fall into darkness in a perpetual state of despair and find ourselves unable to see the light, love, and happiness..

On the other hand, evil can hide behind light too. Those that use light to control, suppress, and manipulate in the name of light is seen throughout history and is happening as we speak. The terrorism from Islamic extremists is founded on the light of the Quran. The American war in Iraq in the name of weapons of mass destruction. Hitler’s genocide of the Jewish people. The countless wars raised by the Catholic Inquisitions in the name of the Father. And the list goes on.

The overarching pattern?

“Light” seeking absolute dominance and distorting the truth. Even in New Age Modern Day Spirituality, we are seeing this distortion through the suppression of negative emotions and this overwhelming need for positivity and intolerance towards the “darker” emotions of anger, rage, sadness, and sorrow.

Evil begins to take over by amplifying the need for power and dominance. The balance is distorted to justify and demand superiority over darkness and in the name of Light, we forget about love and tolerance.

How do we restore the balance?

Love and acknowledgement.

Light and darkness is like two sides of the same coin. Recognizing both exists and have its place in the world is the first step in maintaining balance and preventing one from overpowering the other.

Learning to channel the darkness and understand its purpose ad role in our lives is crucial in not allowing evil to take over this darkness. In the case of emotions, say anger for example, recognizing anger instead of suppressing it will allow us to begin consciously and mindfully understand what is causing the feeling itself. Anger if used productively, can help us recognize when our boundaries are violated or where we have had prior trauma experiences that have been unresolved and possibly feeling victimized. The suppression of this emotion becomes the catalyst for hate and a biased perception due to past experiences.

On the opposite end, perpetual happiness is unnatural. As human beings, we are multi-dimensional so the need to remain on one spectrum of expression is an imbalance of its own. Letting go of the absolute need to be happy and positive at all times allows the natural flow between light and dark. With love this flow will prevent any overwhelming imbalance and absolute control from light.

How does flow work exactly?

In the most natural state of flow every moment can produce a state of emotion or it can be neutral. Seeing something beautiful can relate to a feeling of joy while seeing a hurt animal can trigger sadness. Each moment can be independent and flow from one state to another. The degree of the feelings will depend on the person’s perspective. However, in an emotionally suppressed person, flow is often mentally controlled where only certain emotions are allowed and others are suppressed. In the case earlier, joy may be allowed while sadness would be numbed and ignored so unable to express itself.

However, suppression means there a clog. Imagine emotions are meant to go down different pipelines, if certain pipes are clogged up, it will eventually cause and over flow. And this is where a person is overwhelmed by a particular emotion or combination of emotions. Sadness when overflowed and add a dash of evil to the mix can lead to depression, despair and hopelessness. And this is one way evil creeps in.

What we really need?

See the truth! When we hold on to ideas and do not allow possibility of new ideas and active suppress new ideas, we become the oppressors and the champions for evil itself. There’s a fine line between believing in the truth while keeping an open mind than my truth is the only truth and I’m unwilling to listen or allow any other voices to exist.

However, notion of right and wrong gets in the way. Individuals or groups don’t like to associate with being on the wrong side, does not tolerate imperfection, all of which promotes evil because it further segregates people creating a us versus them mentality.

Evil cannot exist in Love.

Love encompasses faith, hope gratitude, and tolerance. Where Love touches, evil will not be able to survive. This Love is not just the love of two people but a natural love of all things and beings. The appreciation and recognition of all creation. With tolerance, suppression will not be able to sustain. With hope, despair will not last. With gratitude, hopelessness will fade away. And evil itself is kept in check and unable to spread its influences.

We live in a world that is starving for Love. From childhood we are deprived of love if we do not behave or look certain way. We are told to be light and follow religious dogmas that have twisted and distorted the light itself. We have lost our connection to the divine love that is within all of us and so we seek in mortal realms. We look for a lover that will love us where we feel empty but forget to love ourselves and taking responsibility of the act of love.

Sometimes we all just need a bit of faith and believe that the wold can be a better place if we just try. It’s the small steps and personal choices that allow for the collective changes.



Jennifer Ping (Modern Mystic)

Exposing the darkness with the light of love. Creating a reality that is fitting for you. Awareness, perception, change, and growth.