Improve Your Daily Workouts With Stair Steppers!

Jennifer Roberts
5 min readSep 28, 2019


Are you struggling to find the motivation to complete your daily workouts? Many people find it difficult to make it to the gym consistently, and rightfully so. I think we can all agree that going to the gym to workout isn’t the most exciting activity, but it doesn’t have to feel this way! I’m sure you know the type of people who wake up ready to tackle their workout and begin their day. What sets them apart from the rest of us? Why are these gym gurus able to stay motivated and healthy?

As humans, we instantly dread doing things we aren’t excited to do. Do you ever find yourself making up excuses to get out of attending that job you HATE? Of course, much like the rest of the population that is unhappy with their occupation! Working out in no different, in order to commit to a new workout plan you are going to have to pick something that interests you.

In addition, you will need to pick something that is equally effective as it is fun! As wonderful as it is to find an exercise you enjoy doing, you have to make sure it’s providing you with the proper workout as well. I find that a stair stepper or a bike is the perfect option for accomplishing both of these factors. If you find a stair stepper for sale, don’t hesitate to add a new category to your workouts!

If you have ever climbed a huge set of stairs, I’m sure you felt sore the following day. Fortunately, you don’t have to scale a lighthouse to experience the huge benefits of stair-stepping! Even at its most basic use, a stair stepper engages and strengthens most of your body’s largest muscle groups. Now I know what you’re thinking, “I thought you said we needed to pick something enjoyable?!?!” Don’t worry it can be a fun activity! There are hundreds of different workouts that you can implement while using a stair stepper so you can ensure you never get bored, and even if you do get bored you can always switch over to a bike!

I think we can all agree that cardio is one of the most boring workouts ever invented. You listen to a million songs and tell yourself you’re not allowed to check the time because you know its been at least 30 minutes, then you check your phone and only five minutes have passed?! You feel robbed of all your hard work, and discouraged! The variety of workouts that are available on the stair stepper eliminates the probability of getting bored quickly. Furthermore, if you implement HIIT- High-Intensity Interval Training, you can complete your full-body workouts faster than ever! High-Intensity Interval Training means you exercise in very short, but intense intervals and take very short recovery periods following each interval. This type of training has been proven to give you the same benefits as endurance cardio in a much shorter period of time.

If you’re thinking the stair stepper isn't quite for you, don’t give up just yet, I have a solution for you as well! As I mentioned before biking is a fun, adventurous way to get your daily exercise, and it’s more beneficial than most people realize. The benefits of using a bike are as endless as the beaches you could be exploring. Cycling combines physical exercise with being outdoors and exploring new views — which can be extremely beneficial for improving your mental state!

Cycling is a low impact exercise which means you’re less likely to result in injury due to overuse. As we all know running is an intense exercise and is extremely weight bearing- therefore injury rates are much higher in runners compared to bikers. Scientists found that runners suffered from 135% more muscle damage & 255% more inflammation! These statistics have done their job of convincing me that cycling is definitely the superior exercise. Biking is known for increasing cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and overall flexibility. However, since cycling lacks the weight-bearing aspect of working out, it’s encouraged to include some strength training in your program.

Now if you are interested in implementing cycling AND stair-stepping into your new workout I have the ultimate solution for you. Don’t sign up for that gym membership that is on sale just yet! We all know that people are constantly inventing new technologies and discovering new scientific data, this is especially great for us — the consumers. We are introduced to new ways of completing our daily activities every day! The Cricket Stepper is the perfect example of new and improved technologies in the exercise industry! We should always keep our eyes peeled for upcoming technology in the industries we are interested in.

The Cricket Stepper is a cross between a bike & a stair stepper, it even comes equipped with a list of new exercising benefits. This machine was designed to offer the most efficient exercise with great results and an enjoyable, fun way to workout! The Cricket Stepper is both a tricycle and an elliptical molded into one easy-to-use device. This workout is ideal for people who love the outdoors, as it allows you to ride over sidewalks, streets, and cycling paths with ease. You no longer have to be limited to your straight edge bike path, feel free to ride anywhere this bike takes you. The best part is while you’re biking on the cricket stepper you are also creating the “weight-bearing” aspect you would be missing from a typical bike. Its patented technology will deliver consistent results and improve your cardio, tone/shape, and weight control.

Don’t act too fast if you see a stair stepper for sale, first research the revolutionary cricket stepper to see if its the right workout for you! Remember that in order to commit to a daily workout it has to be something you find enjoyable, and accomplish your exercise goals. The Cricket Stepper is the new holy grail of workout equipment, its so fun you may just forget that you’re exercising!

