Our Daughters Are Being Sexually Harassed

And no, they are not reporting it.

Jennifer Sartore Hulst
8 min readMar 27, 2019
Photo created for this story by: Robin Litrenta/Instagram @robinlitrenta

You cannot turn on the news or scroll through social media right now without encountering another story of a woman being sexually harassed or assaulted. With each “explosive” new allegation, the dialogue ensues about the reality of the world women live in and more are questioning why so many stay silent.

Shocking as some of these stories are, they are not at all unfamiliar to most women. Some stories are far more extreme and offensive in nature, yet none are particularly uncommon. What may be surprising is just how young we are when this becomes a routine occurrence in our lives.

Breaking News: Grown women are not the only ones being sexually harassed — our daughters are, too. And they are keeping quiet about it.

As I have listened to story after story come out, it has caused me to reflect on my own experiences. I had considered myself fortunate that none of my encounters have risen to the level that many in the news portray. Clearly, this is a systemic problem in our society, and not a new one — as evidenced by the many accounts now coming out and spanning decades.



Jennifer Sartore Hulst

Honest writing about the "spectrum" of life, love, and parenting two teens (one with autism). Aspiring author. Follow me on Facebook: https://bit.ly/2H5nnaa