Skinning A Cat: The Uncomfortable Truth About Bikini Waxing

A not-so-private hell

Jennifer Sartore Hulst
7 min readNov 30, 2018
Photo by Linnea Sandbakk on Unsplash

It is a well-known fact to most women that beauty comes at a price. Often times, that price is pain. I recently learned that bikini waxing may very well take the prize in the “beauty is pain” department.

Why do we do it?

I am 44 years old and newly single with no plans to date any time soon. With no prospect of sex in my immediate future, why I decided this would be a great time to try a bikini wax I really cannot explain.

Perhaps it has something to do with my post-break-up commitment to myself to start indulging more in self-care and doing things to make my life easier. It occurred to me one day while shaving that perhaps waxing might make my life a little easier. How nice it would be to eliminate another tedious task!

Since it is my nature to research things thoroughly, I took to the internet to learn all I could about bikini waxing and what to expect. I asked friends about their experiences.

The consensus: while painful, perhaps the most uncomfortable aspect is just how intimate things get with your wax specialist.

Armed with this knowledge, I decided that the Xanax that I have on hand for my anxiety when I fly would alleviate some of the…



Jennifer Sartore Hulst

Honest writing about the "spectrum" of life, love, and parenting two teens (one with autism). Aspiring author. Follow me on Facebook: