Write a Birthday Poem

A fun tradition

Jennifer Fox, M.Ed., Ed.S.
2 min readSep 16, 2023

Full poem for nonmembers

I have always been a bit of a cheeseball with poetry. I remember my best friend in junior high, Leanne, getting me into writing poetry. We would write poems about the boys we liked or about friendship. Over the years, I have had a favorite pastime — writing cheesy birthday poems for loved ones.

One year I wrote acrostics for all my best friends on their birthdays and had them framed. So silly. I’m sure they thought it was something a middle schooler would do, not a full-grown adult. Recently, I noticed my friend Philip reposting a poem I did nine years ago for him on social media. He appreciated the gesture, so that is all that matters.

Philip’s Birthday Poem

I write poems for my sons, too. Here are a couple I have written for them:

Aiden Turns 13

It’s the 10th of July!
How the years fly by
Your thirteenth birthday here
Welcome to teenage years!

What will this new year bring?
Will my boy start changing?
Stay YOU, kind and clever
Never change that — ever!



Jennifer Fox, M.Ed., Ed.S.

Writer of topics from everyday life inspiration. My home is in Forsyth County, Georgia and my roots are in the Canal Zone, Panama. 20+ years as an educator.