3 min readJul 22, 2022

The Sream: Painting by Edward Munch.

This painting depicts a lot, at least that’s how I see it.

Disclaimer: This is my own interpretation of the painting.

On a footpath is a man walking down the pathway, and by his left side, and above him is a swirling sea of colors. It could be a river, it could be the sky or just a painting of colors. There is a dark-colored part of the sea, it flows from right above the man’s head and curves like stream water. It looks like something that you can drown in.

At some point, there are other colors in the river. Above the dark part of the river, there is a lively orange rainbow-colored stream that looks untouchable. As if the deathly waters can never mix up with it. There is another small rainbow stream, but this one would soon be submerged by the dark waters.

Two men walk on the footpath beside this small rainbow water, and there are soon approaching the dark side of the river. In fact, the deep water would soon takeover. Although these other two men kind of fade off in the background of the painting. They are hardly noticeable and could be easily overlooked, but they are highly significant.

The focus of the painting is on the man already at the deathly waters.

The man in the picture is at a point where he stands still as if going forward is quite unobtainable. His body bends like an earthworm's, and it looks like a tsunami is raging in his head. He holds his head like it would soon explode and opens his mouth to let out a large scream. The dark waters pull him in and he is fighting gravity. The chaos is a dark, deathly river and it pulls him in, the force is strong but he struggles with it. With the strength left in him, he screams. A powerful scream full of frustration, exhaustion, and fear. But somewhere in the undertones of his scream is the vibrato of strength. To keep on fighting when you are drowning. To keep the demons of your mind at bay when your mind is a screaming tsunami.

We all have that point in our lives when all we want to do is scream.

It's a journey; the footwalk represents that.

Everyone would have the lively-colored moments of their life and the death-colored moments.

The other two men in the background are soon going to face their peril.

The question is would their scream be the scream of death, surrender, or the scream of the fight in them?

At first glance, it seems to be a sad picture. But after staying with it, you see that it's a picture of hope. Not very far from your struggles is happiness.

The painting; The Scream, screams Hold on.

Lol, who knew pictures were as therapeutic as music?

I guess that’s the thing about art, ‘anything poured out of soul can only reach out to souls.’

So, after writing this my own article, I went to browse online if there are other meanings of the art.

The internet said that Edward Munch painted this in a state of melancholy. It is an emotional painting that portrays his emotions when he sees what happens in the future. He screams because of what he sees.

I think it’s a thought-provoking painting.

What do you think about it?

Gracias for engaging.

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I love magic and art. my writings are pieces of myself I'm trying to hold together.